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Do U Still Look Them Up?

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At first it was because I missed him. Once I was over him I did not waste my energy. This sounds harsh, but why should I care about the person that no longer cares for me. Put your energy into something that will benefit YOU.

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well cbr - I think I'm a bit on the obsessive side - and utterly bored, but I just look. Just to see where they are, if they're still around and if they've done anything cool.


Ok well, once I contacted a friend of one of my exes. Just to go the round about way to seeing about him. Its pathedic really and I know it. But I do it.

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I was wondering on which end you were.


Were you wondering if others did as you do - or if your ex is googling you.


Little of both huh?


I often wonder if my exes look me up to. And I wish there was a way to find out. I'd pay to know I think.


But I doubt they'd find me. I'm married and they most likely don't know my married name....

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If any of my ex girlfriends got in a car wreck and died, I wouldn't care. It feels like another person that was in those relationships years ago. My honey brought out all my good qualities, and I settled down and now I have a wonderful life and family. No reason to stir up mistakes from the past.

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I have to say that since my gf broke it off with me a month ago, I still go to her myspace (which she just started after the breakup) to see what shes doing. I know, I shouldnt do it, but now I see her trying to hook up with all these men, leaving them I love you stuff. In a way, it makes my mind feel better about the whole breakup (like dang, I am glad I am not going to spend my life with someone like that), but it does sometimes hurt my heart to see those things. I mean her site looks like shes almost desperate for a man. I see myself looking at her site less and less.

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