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You're all sleeping

and my eyes are getting dry

I'm the restless sentry,

Mesmerized by rainbow daylight

On previously blackened waters

Would you let me drown

In a false image

Buoying my salvation

In the damned torrents

Of our society

Bleach me to unconscious subservience

Could you polish

The jewel of submission

With your untutored truth?

Could you imagine

A blood chilling passion

That could purify the soul?

Rekindle the home fires in this hearth

I'm lost and that's nothing new

But I've dragged you down

Bitterness poisons anew

How can you breathe

While I cover your mouth

Your feet are still kicking

Noose yet to draw tight

A knot rightly done

Could set us all free

White rope, sanctified innocence

I'll damn you to the last

With my final words

Damn you all

With my last prayers


~ Written by HM de Groot, 2006

AKA Outcast-Angel

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