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sleeping together?

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I'm young, 16, and very mature for my age.

(no i'm not just saying that)


I'd like to know whats inapropriate about a guy and a girl (around my age) sleeping together. Not sex, nothing sexual, just cuddling and sleeping together. fully clothed even.


In my eyes, I see nothing wrong with it, no harm can really come from it. So why do some/most parents/adults see it as something wrong!


Whenever i get together with my friends for a night it's always, girls sleep here... guys sleep here...


Just like some insight on the adult mind.

Much appreciated.


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Parents are funny creatures...they are not just looking at what is happening right now, this minute. They also look at what could happen.


Yes, it is totally acceptable for two people to sleep next to one another...HOWEVER, lets be honest! Your a 16 year old GUY and she's a 16 year old GIRL!!!


Although you may have nothing but the most pure intentions, it is VERY easy for things to progress...and progress...and progress. Maybe not that night, maybe not the next...but eventually, HORMONES take over and whammo, she knocked up!!!!


Right or wrong, that is what mom and dad are thinking...


Give them a break, they really have your best interests at heart.


--- addition from later reply (edit by SwingFox) ----

Oh...I forgot another very important issue...peer pressure. That is THEIRS, not yours!


If their friends or neighbors or your friends parents heard that they were letting boys and girls "sleep together"...oh my GOD!!!!

They would be the embarrasements of the town!

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If you knew me, you'd understand my maturity.


Rules go by what the parents want pretty much, it's not like we've got alot of say in restrictions...


Chose to break the rules, risk getting cought. Then you lose respect, trust, the whole deal. Maybe even the girl.


But I just don't understand why the rules are as they are...

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  • 2 months later...

my x is over here about 1 nights week and we often share a bed we nothing but the most insent intenshions. i really want to get things going with her agen and she kinda knows it but has a boyfriend at the moment, there allwase fighting. next time they do insted of telling her to fix things im going to tell her to stop going back and getting hurt witch seems to hapen all the time. i cant really tell her what he's doing because im her x and no one else seems to care. we are really good friends at the moment, shes one of my best and ild say that i was one of her best. we talk all the time and go out very often. any thotes are more then appreashated.





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  • 2 weeks later...


look, im a 15 yr old girl... and i have broken THE rule..

once a friend (girl) of mine my own age was goin to stay at a beach apartment... i thought her mom was goin... but it was her 21 yr older sister and 2 more friends of her sister same age!

the apartment is right next to the most luxurious hotel in puerto rico... and it takes like two hours to get to the hotel from my town. so anyways, the building kinda like used to be part of the hotel but they made it private. so theres a hotel room and old girls with alcohol in their hands... bottles... big ones... lol... the used to be part of the hotel thing enables us to use the hotel facilities... use the funicular (sort of elevator that goes up a hill) and get to the lobby. the reason of our stay? we wanted to check and see if we got to see rap artists cause of the hip-hop convention... u know... like bumping into 50cent lol... but my friends know i could care less... im very arrogant when i see artists in person.. i treat them so like anybody else.. i may drool here with my friends... but when i come face to face... yeh,, i can be a b.i.tch.


anyways, ill get to the point. i have been datin this guy... my parents have given ma approval and all... theyve talked to him and theyre fine with him. he drives .. and oh well... i called him and asked him if he was willing to go for the road trip. he said he would if his friend would come with him... and so they did!


the older girls prepared some pasta and left it on the stive and left for the hotel... they were going to the casino and all that crap ... flirting around. i told them about me inviting some guy friends... which they actually are.


so what happens is that they artrive like at 10pm... and i had told ma boy over the phone that he had to prepared to sleep in his car cause we were all girls in a room and i dont think it would be okay with it... in the end he went to the lobby with us and we bumped into the older girls... they saw him and told the boys they could leave their stuff at the apartment. so we got to the apartment, put music on and talked and talked and talked... then there was some crisis there cause one of the older girls could not be found but eventually she was. the thing is that one of the older girls arrived earlier than the others and ate her pasta in the dining table as she spoke to my guy friends, they got along spr well! and even talked about people they BOTH knew! what a small little world.


so night arrived and so did the other two girls... and my friend's sister told ma boys as they left that they could stay... that she said no at first to me cause she was pissed with her friends. so they were kind of hesitating at first... the boy i date is very mature and well he said yes cause he really wanted to have a place to stay the night.


and so it happened! my parents could have never guessed any of this stuff.. im a good daughter and have great communication with them... since everything was so innocent i found that such information could be ommited to avoid any lack of confidence towards me or my best friend... and most of all... ma boys.


the night went away super quick and morning came through the windows. they lied on the floor and i lied next to ma boy. we cuddled and talked to each other until i fell asleep... later i woke up and went to the bed next to my friend. we all woke up at noon and left for our houses the way we came.


i had fun with my friend and the boys... we went to sleep ... i "slept" with ma baby boy... no crappy temptation s**t... the moment was too wonderful to spoil like that anyways.


why do parents and adults freak out?

who wouldnt? i i knew my son or my daughter did that... omg... how can you ever know? hormones take different attitudes lol... depends on the circumstances... u see??? it's nice if it's like a group thing, everyone piled up in a room... no sex... sleeping... but two people that are dating? whether it was my son or my daughter... no way!

but i do share your view... it's the same as with the boy i date. i really like him... hes 21... looks 17 ... i look older than 15... probably older than him... yet... people think of a 6 yr gap relationship at this stage of my life and it is... A SEXUAL PREDATOR! thats the way it is... if a friend of mine told me she was dating such an older guy i would lecture her... but then again i keep my mouth shut... guess there are exceptions to THE rule.


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