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Are Women Attracted to Tall Guys

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I'm 5'7, and I've dated guys between 5'6 and 6'4. Didn't really matter to me how tall they were. My husband is 6'1, but I only married him for the money.


Yes, I'm kidding.


I have a good friend who is 5'10 and is married to a man who is 5'6. My mom is 5'9, my stepdad's 5'7. People would be lying if they said initial attraction wasn't important, but if you're 5'7, you're by no means short. Don't worry about it. I'm sure you're a fox beyond your height.

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I personally am attracted to tall guys. I am 5'6'' tall and my late husband was 6'1''. The last BF that I had was 6'7''. It just feels more comfortable for me if guys are at least 6' tall or up to 6'8" is acceptable and still attractive to me. I just tend to lean toward the bigger and taller guys as a personal preference, and not because society seems to dictate one way or the other.

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The last BF that I had was 6'7''.

Holy... Moly, I just has to express my amazement at that. He must have had some pretty serious back problems and difficulty with door frames. I already have to duck under most door ways for fear of hitting my head.


Yeah, just wow xD

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Holy... Moly, I just has to express my amazement at that. He must have had some pretty serious back problems and difficulty with door frames. I already have to duck under most door ways for fear of hitting my head.


Yeah, just wow xD

Where do you live Sylph? I am just asking becuase I am 3" taller and I have some trouble with door frames, but thanks to people wanting bigger out here in Southern California, door frames are getting taller. But I am also use to hitting my head on door frames and usually duck when needed most of the time. And if you think 6'7" is tall in my freshman year of high school my world history teacher was 6'9".
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The Ex did not have any back problems , but did have some problems with his feet, not sure whether it had to do with height or not.


There were problems with him having to stoop at door frames , ceiling fans, low hanging light fixtures.


I have no problem with dating guys that are shorter than 6'. I tend to be more attracted to the taller.


THere are tall men in my family so part of it is because it just seems natural to me to be around the tall ones. My dad is 6', which is not that tall, but my brothers are 6'2'' and 6'4''. One of my grandfathers was 6'3'' and I have many uncles that are several inches above the 6' mark.

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Where do you live Sylph?

England, but people have been getting talling here for a couple of generations now. It's just that no one seems to have bothered to make the door frames any bigger. I've every hit my head once but that was enough, imagine power walking head first into something made out of... wall. After that you damn well remember to duck every time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To answer your questoin, yes, I am. My name is Teddybear, and I am attracted to tall guys


The guy I just started seeing is 6'3", lean, and very athletic (which is good, because I really do meet men who simply can't keep up with me). To me, tall and lean (but muscular) is very attractive. But I must say, I don't know why, but anything over 6'4" is too much. I've pretty much always dated men between 5'10 and 6'4".


But that's not to say that one day I might meet someone shorter or taller, who isn't in my 'usual' type, that I just love his personality. Never say never. I've met guys in the past who were nothing like the tall athletic type I usually date, who I just really liked their personality or something.


So I think while all people are going to tend to be attracted to certain things, we all know that we just don't pick and choose who we fall for, we just do.


So Khujo56, Seriously don't worry, there's someone out there for you. BTW, 5'7" isn't really that short for a guy. I might consider that maybe on the short side of average if anything, k? Also, here's something else I've noticed. a lot of my taller friends, seem to like their men shorter than the men I usually like. So I think there's an 'opposites' thing going here. Women who are a bit taller than average, are liking men who are average or a bit shorter than average and vice versa! At 5'7", I don't think you'll have any real issues with this.

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