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I just took the pill for the first time in a while, i used to take them but stopped about a year ago. I decided today to satrt on them again so i took one. only i forgot i was suppose to wait for the first day of my period to take them. Im not on my period at the moment. Does anyone know how this will effect me and what I should expect or do?

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I started taking the pill a few months ago solely because I have problematic skin, not for contraceptive purposes. Because of this, the doctor said I could start taking them the day I got them (even though I was not on my period and was two weeks until my next period was due) and I would get my period at the end of the three week break. However, he said if they were going to be used as contraception (which I am assuming the case is for you), I remember him telling me that if I did not start taking them on the first day of my period, I would have to use condoms for a certain period of time (I'm pretty sure it was 7 days, but i'm not 100% so don't hold me to that).

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There are two ways to start taking the pill: so called Sunday-start and Day One Start.

Day one start is when you start taking it on the first day of your period - you are then protected right away (this is what the drug companies who give you your pill tell you). However, a lot of people think it takes one month for the pill to become fully "integrated" into your system, and that you should use back-up birth control for that month. My doctor told me two weeks. I guess you should do whatever makes you feel safe.

Sunday start - which I assume is what you did, although you can theoretically start any day of the week - is when you start on any random day. For this option the drug companies tell you to use back-up for 7 days. The month thing still applies: again, I would do whatever makes you feel safe.

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hey, thanks for the reply guys, nah im not taking it for contraception im just taking it to control my periods more. so because ive done the sunday start option, and i was expecting my period like next week. will it be next week the same or will it be in the 7 day break form the pill?


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Well, as i said, i wasn't due on my period for another two weeks when i first started taking the pill and i didn't come on until my three week break (which is what my dr told me would happen) so i'm guessing the same will happen to you.

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