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When will I feel happy again?

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I have had savere depression since I was 9 and I even get suicaidal about once a month. The only thing that keeps me from trying to kill myself again is the fear of failing and only making my life worse. I'm on antidepressents, but they don't seem to work at all. What should I do to try and feel happyiness again?

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Happiness...well, I'm going to have to answer a question with a question. What EXACTLY do you mean by happy?


What exactly do you imagine Happy to be like? What is it that you are aiming for?


The following help some people:


1) Work out what makes you so depressed. Is it a fear of failure (of life, not of surviving a suicide attempt kind of fear), fear to get too close to others, a fear you'll never achieve your goals?


2) It's good you went to a doctor and got antidepressants. But if they arn't working, you need some different ones, as simplistic as that sounds. Some people have to try several dosages/types before they hit on "the one"..a little like dating.


3) Living outside yourself. By this, I mean deliberately seeking out activities that take you away from over-analysis (and so many of us are guilty of that) and fill your head with Good Stuff. Volunteering in some way, even just for a while, can be a way to do this. Or perhaps investing some time in a creative process, although don't make your anguish the focus of such art or whatever, as that's just another form of analysis.


4) Keep believing/try and maintain a positive outlook. You said "find happiness again"..that implies you had it once, so you rediscover it, right? Hold onto that..and read some stories written by people who have overcome depression. There are some out there, even if you have to wade through much material about people who are currently right down there in the abyss.


This may not be helpful to you, but its given with good intentions from a Bipolar patient who recently made a formal decision to stop being medicine compliant and try and cure herself. It's never easy, but you'll have achieved something awesome with every step you get closer to recovery.


And remember that even when your days are, on average, better, its still fine/inevitable to have some black days. Just don't let them throw you back.

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Starting dating girls! It's not so easy...but keep trying and you will find the right one that makes life worth living.


Start excersizing! Do some light lifting and alot of cardio. It really helps. Try this right now... Go outside and start running. Run until you feel like you are going to pass out, and then walk a little bit and run again! Just keep going until you feel like you barely have enough strength left to stand up. Then come home and enjoy a much deserved rest, i bet you will feel better


Find a new hobby that you are better at then most other people. Then show off your new skills a little bit.


And really consider stopping the anti-depressents. Just knowing that you have the strength to live life on your own now and not have to rely on pills should make you feel better.

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Realize that if you kill yourself now you may never be able to enjoy one of the most amazing experiences life has to offer: Sex.


That's what kept me from killing myself when I was your age. Now look at me .. I'm 36 and loving life!


Might I suggest you work on learning skills for dating and asking women out? Basically you need to learn social skills. Head to link removed and buy some books on how to meet women, talk to women, date women, stuff like that. As soon as you start to learn how to be a functioning part of society you will realize you really do fit in. You can also hit my web site for links to other sites you may like. link removed - right on the home page.


Hang in there.

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Hi MewSkitty I hope the card playing is going well, where my rule book old chap. So with you IQ lets try this


Have a look at Taoistiem


A form a belife that my siut your mind set and lead to Happiness.

Here are some pointers I nicked of the web.

Also I think you my like a book called the Tao of Poo.


Taoist concepts, beliefs and practices:


* Tao is the first-cause of the universe. It is a force that flows through all life.

* "The Tao surrounds everyone and thereforeeee everyone must listen to find enlightenment." 4

* Each believer's goal is to become one with the Tao.

* The priesthood views the many gods as manifestations of the one Dao, "which could not be represented as an image or a particular thing." The concept of a personified deity is foreign to them, as is the concept of the creation of the universe. Thus, they do not pray as Christians do; there is no God to hear the prayers or to act upon them. They seek answers to life's problems through inner meditation and outer observation.

* Time is cyclical, not linear as in Western thinking.

* Taoists strongly promote health and vitality.

* Five main organs and orifices of the body correspond to the five parts of the sky: water, fire, wood, metal and earth.

* Each person must nurture the Ch'i (air, breath) that has been given to them.

* Development of virtue is one's chief task. The Three Jewels to be sought are compassion, moderation and humility.

* Taoists follow the art of "wu wei," which is to let nature take its course. For example, one should allow a river to flow towards the sea unimpeded; do not erect a dam which would interfere with its natural flow.

* One should plan in advance and consider carefully each action before making it.

* A Taoists is kind to other individuals, in part because such an action tends to be reciprocated.

* Taoists believe that "people are compassionate by nature...left to their own devices [they] will show this compassion without expecting a reward."


Its just and Idear but it may help you.



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My weekend went great. I got a new computer with 6GB of memory! I installed my CD burner on it and now I can start selling music again. Also, I got a Mew card out of the new Pokemon pack and now I have 9 different Mew cards in my collection. Well, these things do bring temparary happieness, but I still have yet to find something that will bring long lasting happieness. Also that Tao stuff you talked about sound a lot like Buddhism. I would like to be a buddhist, but I don't know enough about it to call myself one.

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There wheer three grate philosophies in China


1: Buddhism

2: Confucianism

3: Taoism


The share a lot of the same kind of belifes but Taoism is not about sufaring in life to get a better after life like Buddhism and is not made up of endless rules like Confucianism.


Taoism means the road or way, the coloses thing Buddhism has is ZEN Buddhism. But even then its not the same thing.


Taoism you can not teach Taoism you can only show the way and even then you may not find it. Its inscrutabel and indisrabel, its like discribel what is like to see the color red to some one thats mind.


To me thats what I like about it, its like of form, lack of limmets.

No rules and no help.


Taoism is the esasst yet hardest believe system I have ever come accross.


"To not look is to find"


Also its what Gurge Lukess used as the beses for the Jedia Knights, Taoism Monks who it was said could walk throw walls and over water.

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