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received messages from her best friends...

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I have been off this site for a while because I just needed a break. Now I have an interesting yet somewhat stupid question...


For about a 2 weeks or so now, I have been getting messages on myspace from my ex's best friends who I guess had found me on there. Nothing special, just saying hello and wishing me happy easter and what not. I know that this probably means nothing, but I jusat think that it is very strange that they find me, message me and ask me to be thier "friends" (these are two girls mind you). I have responded to each of them but have not said anything about my ex to either one at all. I know that I prpbably shouldn't but I am curious to hear how and what my ex has been up to and I was thinking about asking them....don't jump on my case just yet because I have not done this, its just a thought. Anyway, what should I do about this situation??????? anyone have anythoughts...

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well depending on who broke up with who, the answer varies i guess. If you broke up with her, then she could still like you, and is using her friends to get close to you, so she can keep track of you, but if she broke up with you, they could genuinely want to be friends

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Or, they could have heard about your sexual encounters with your ex, and maybe now these 2 friends are secretly fighting with themselves and would like to give it a shot with you?


But in reality, I think that the ex is trying to get them to pump you (for info, get your mind out the gutter!) and/or want you to ask about the ex.


I wouldn't talk about the ex...unless they bring her up. I'm not sure how long it's been, and who broke who's heart and all that. Give some more info on that, and then we could maybe help you more.

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she is the one that broke up with me on october 30th, 2005 (about 6 months ago). I may have spoken to her once since then and we chatted over email VERY briefly about a month ago just small talk nothing more. I asked her if she wanted to get together for a drink and she said that she would have to "decline for now". It was almost immediately after that when hjer frineds found me on myspace and began messaging me... I don't know if this means anything at all and it probably doesn't, but lord know s that there is still alot in me that loves her with all of my heart and longs to see and speak to her just to see if there is any sort of feelings still there....

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she's your ex for a reason. it's really none of you business what she does but if you really want to know, ask your ex. nothing wrong with saying hi, how you been and what have you been doing... who knows what kind of friend these girls are or if they would even tell you the truth. i guess it depends on why they want to talk to you. i wouldn't want to talk to my friends ex unless i had a motive. so i would say, yes that is strange

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No need to ask her friends about her. I can see at least a part of you still desires her - nothing wrong with that, it's human. Rejection is the ultimate challenge and it's human nature to want to overcome any challenge. There is however a line of sanity that must be maintained while making your moves. In this case, I say don't accept their MySpace friend requests. In fact, I advise against having a MySpace account at all just so your ex does not know what you're up to. If you are going to have an account, make it difficult for her to find you.


Also, next time if you do decide to ask your ex to meet up don't be so direct and sudden. You will have to have several light conversations before you should even mention "meeting up" and your intentions should never be obvious.

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