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Learning to become stronger...

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I've denied myself the most important thing I want...but I'm going to try anyway. I want to gain self-confidence in myself. So, I took an RA position to help me deal with people socially and better prove to myself that I can do things well. (An RA is responsible for the residents on his dorm floor). Also I've decided to really push myself in my study of Japanese and then will take a study abroad trip...but then my Senior year, I think I'm going to try...to finally get a girlfriend. It's been hard to deal with myself, but I know that is not healthy and isolation only makes things worse. But I know if I gain self-confidence then I'll have a better chance than I would have had before. Sorry, I just wanted to vent.

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It sounds like you are making steps in the right direction! I bet being an RA will really help you develop your leadership and confidence, and you'll really start to feel better about yourself. And when you feel good about yourself other people see that and are more attracted to you. I wouldn't worry about "trying" to get a girlfriend though, just focus on improving yourself and involving yourself in the activities you enjoy, and things will happen

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I remember when I lived in a dorm (back in the Stone Age) the RA's were always really cool people. They definitely had good problem resolution skills, but weren't bossy meanies, either lol.


So, props to you for becoming one!


Now, I must warn you...love does not keep to a schedule. So, if it should appear before your senior year, DON'T be surprised!

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I know. After my Junior year of high school, I just gave up on love, but then some girls all of a sudden liked me my Senior year of high school....it was weird. I had no interest in any of them, but it taught me that things aren't hopeless as I thought they once were. So, if it doens't happen to my then, and it might not, then I'm not going to be crushed. Thanks.

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One more thing...the important thing to remember about self-confidence is that, for most of us, it's not something we're born with but rather, something we gain through trying new things and having the courage to embark on new adventures, even if we risk failing at first.

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