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She's all I ever wanted

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I've loved her for 4 years, one year ago to date I made a pass, I kissed her, a week later she kissed me, then she wouldn't give us a chance. Now she's going to college, I must win her back. Please someone help me. I need many opinions, she is my other half, and if she leaves without her knowing this I'll die inside, forever. Please help. She leaves in four weeks.

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Hey VR6,

I agree with secret_angent_man, you need to tell her before she goes. If she doesnt know she may end up dating someone elese cuz she thinks its over. Tell her that if the relationship is ended, you will never be the same. Be honest. Tell her how much she is loved, but dont go all out. You dont want to humiliate yourself...best of luck to the both of you.



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well it is soo clearly obvious. tell her how you feel. dont go overboard, and before you run and tell her. consider all possibilities, consider what you are willing to do or not to do if she would accept. but no matter what, tell her. if you dont, you will always be wondering, "what if". and that is the worst feeling, if you tell her now.. you will at least know her true feelings, tell her tell her!!

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its always 50/50 with this stuff!

you know you may tell her she is the world and then she might melt into your arms- or she might seriously back off. im sure you wish like i do that it were possible to see into a 's mind. sometimes i think if i just give stuff time a certain will start to get the same feling for me as i have for her- but you have little time- so even though it may be a long shot- it may be good to tell her everything- and make it the most real thing that you have ever said to anyone- because if this is worth as much to you as a certain is worth to me then dont do like i did and lag round waiting- cause once you lose her you kick yourself over and % !!

talk to her!


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