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Friendship Vs Love

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I have known a guy since Sept. Pretty soon he knew I was interested in him, but he had a g/f until Dec so couldn't do anything. So nothing ever happened. I went to stay with him in March for a few days and had a great time. Him and I spend a lot of time together due to committments at work and we're close. Many people think we are dating, but we aren't. He isn't as emotionally open as me, so I doubt he would ever tell me how he's feeling.

My question is- will we ever be more than friends, or has that chance passed?

I don't know what to do, this is driving me nuts, please help.

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Hey hk87,


I'm in a similar predicament. I met this girl through work about a month ago and we have been spending a lot of time togoether. She unfortunately has a boyfriend but I think she is possibly confussed about her feelings towards me. I suppose it needs someone to take the intiative. In my case I have backed off a little so she can work out what she wants. Maybe not the most proactive move but I am trying to protect myself. In my mind she is seeing two people. Me for the emotional support and the boyfriend for the physical. Don't get me wrong, I am more than capable of having female friends but regardless of gender there are limits of closeness that I am comfortable with. I suppose that is something you need to determine. Hope this helps.



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Well, when we sit next together in class, our legs touch, or arms or something. He doesn't mind it, but I think it's because I explained I'm really touchy feely normally. It's really weird, because in some respects we seem like more than friends, but it others it's like we are worlds apart! I can't risk telling him again, it's his turn.

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Well, when we sit next together in class, our legs touch, or arms or something. He doesn't mind it, but I think it's because I explained I'm really touchy feely normally. It's really weird, because in some respects we seem like more than friends, but it others it's like we are worlds apart! I can't risk telling him again, it's his turn.


Give him a cuddle! I don't think he'll object.

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