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So there's this guy I'm attracted to - we have mutual friends and see one another quite often, out at clubs, at friends' houses, always in a social setting. The first night I met him (way back in November), we had a bit of a kiss but following that, there were a few complications - I fell for one of his friends and consequently ended up 'choosing' this friend over him, leading him to pretty much hate me for a good few months for leading him on, only to reject him.


Anyway, it's only over the last month or so that we've started to be friendly again, once we were both given the time and space to get over what happened. We're both single, and after spending the whole day with him (and a couple of other friends) on Sunday, I've discovered that I am still REALLY attracted to him. I may even like him. And I know for a fact that he's still attracted to me.


The thing is, he's quite immature and inexperienced with girls. He's never had a relationship and he hasn't even gone beyond first base, which is rare for a 19yo guy who goes out and meets girls quite a lot! I'm not sure whether it would be worth taking a chance by viewing him as potential relationship material. At the very least, I would want something physical and see where it goes from there.


I SMSed him after Sunday and said thanks for being so hospitable (we were at his house that day), and that I hope everything is cool with us (after the whole mess that happened with his friend at the end of last year) and that we can try to be friends. He messaged back and said, "That's alright, babe. Give me a call when you're free and we'll do something". He's also heard from a mutual friend since that yes, I am really attracted to him and apparently was pretty happy about it. Interested, right?


Now I'm kinda scared about what will happen. I know we could have something great, but what does one do when a guy is totally inexperienced, both with relationships and sex?! I want to take things slowly and build up his trust and respect again, but is it worth it? I'm sooo confused!


Any opinions, observations or advice about the situation would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Yes he's interested.


Don't be nervous or scared. Why would his inexperience scare you? Because it may be akward the first time? So what? You'll be able to get over that really quickly and it'll make you both feel closer to each other.


I think you should at least give it a go this time. No sense repeating the very same mistake as last time is there?

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Okay, do you want a loving relationship or do you just want sex? Because to me, it just sounds like you're in it for the physical stuff, which isn't good at all....


I do want a relationship, but only if it's going to be worth it. In my experience, guys with less experience tend to disappoint in that they're too immature to handle certain things or to completely commit. I don't want to waste my time or to invest my emotions only to end up hurt and/or with nothing. Does that make sense?


So I guess I haven't admitted to myself that I really LIKE him at this point, out of fear of that. But I know for a fact that I am definitely physically attracted.

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