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Poem: something i needed to get out of my system.

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this is about an ex.... its about how i was scared of loving .. i guess i felt too exposed. i guess the paragraphs are phases really...


1- what attracted me to him

2- me manipulating the relationship so he wouldnt become too close (he began to think i was cheating when i wasnt.. thats when it all went really bad)

3- his reaction (i didnt realise how he really felt ... never understoud till after why he reacted the way he dids)

4- the recipe of how to lose your first love really.




Painful love


you were something original -

a new colour to the rainbow

you were something unique -

a person with no shadow

you were something beautiful -

a face that'd' always shine

you were something passionate -

the first love of mine


you were something i craved -

art - no money could buy

you were something i desired -

a tear, blood, lies

you were something horrific -

a creation feared by all

you were something cruel -

my one and only wall


i thrived upon your aggression

i thrived upon your hurt

you subjected me to torture

i wanted the entire works

your language was vulgar

but to me is was a treat

youd hiss and spit and laugh

and i remained kean


love was more painful

than anything you could give

a life filled with hugs and kissed

i didnt want to live





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