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If a shy guy is truly into you and you ask them say, "hey do you wanna go to the movies with me and my friend some time...?" what are the chances of him rejecting me? For the shy guys: Would you turn down a girl you like and you don't ask her out but she asked you to do something??? and if you would turn her down...WHY!!!!! ...im this close to asking this guy out but i'm afraid ...mainly cuz he apparently likes me but he never called me :splat:

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From what you've said it sounds like he's probably waiting for you too make the first move. But then again i could be wrong because eveyone is different, the only way to get your answer (pure and simple) is by asking him.


There is a chance at rejection, but it's highly unlikely if this person likes you already. Play it casual and cool and just ask him out and have fun.

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I can think of a couple good reasons for saying no initially.. does he know the "friends" that hes joining besides you?


I mean.. to a shy guy.. a group of unknown girls is a scary thing.. like whoa..


But other then that.. it could just be initial shock reaction that yields the normal safe answer along the lines of .. "can't i have stuff"


In retrospect.. i missed alot of chances.. doh!

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