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Omg my baby is due in 6 days and my husband is being a jerk. I went to the hospital the other night for false labour and they did an internal exam and i had some bleeding which has stopped now but he wont come near me now and last night he wouldnt have sex with me and he started it!! Im so frustrated today he got up before I woke up and then after we had breakfast he went out and he still hasnt come back in yet not even for lunch and now its 3pm Im so annoyed that he is acting this way why cant he just be with me? I need him right now

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He may be acting like a jerk in other ways but there is no way that I would have sex with a woman who was due to have a baby in 6 days and had already had false labour and bleeding. If you gave him a hard time about that it might explain why he has gone out to calm down.

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no i did not hit him. My midwife said it was ok to have sex until my waters break. I cant help it tho I crave sex since i got pregnant everything about me has changed I know I look like a bad person but honestly im not usually like this. I love him so much I really do but I feel like I need sex for some reason and I dont know why. I think its for normality or because I feel so ugly or something like that. My moodswings get way out of control too. Its so hard.

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I agree with DN is that if I were your hubby I'd be too anxious to have sex with you knowing that you've been having Braxton Hicks and some bleeding.


Did the doctor say what the bleeding was from?


A midwife isn't certified in obstetrics and safe practices for having sex so close to delivery, and many doctors recommend stopping when you are as close as you are to delivery. Midwives are geared more toward a natural childbirth experience. What did the doctor say about sex after he examined you for bleeding?

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the doctor hasnt examined me im 39 weeks now and this is my 1st baby i only had an internal done the other night I dont know what i am supposed to expect or do with everything im such a mess right now i dont even know how to feel about myself. Im just 17 and i never thought about these things before. my husband is my world and i love him with all my heart I can understand if he is scared because im terrorfied. I had the false labour on friday night and I bled because of the internal exam. When we gothome my husband run me a bath and I told him he shouldnt be there while I got undressed because I have some blood and it might scare him. he said he wanted to look after me and he didnt care about the blood and that I am safe with him because he is my husband so I got undressed and he saw the blood and I had some of my plug come out too but he didnt say anything I was more scared of it then he was i think but ever since then he hasnt touched me or he has started sex and stopped and said he doesnt feel secure.I do not force him to sleep with me because i respect his wishes. I dont know anything about routine checks here as I moved here from another country and everything is different I know the basics tho because me and my husband read up on it and asks lots of questions but the midwifes at the hospital said it was normal for sum bleeding and the doctor has never seen me personally. Im so confused!!

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Who gave you an internal exam when you had Braxton Hicks contractions?


Was it at a hospital?


What did they give you for discharge instructions when you left?


If you lost your mucus plug and had a little bit of pink bleeding that is normal and is called "bloody show", which is a normal sign of the beginning stages of labor. A woman, particularly one who has not had any children before, may lose her mucus plug a few days before the onset of full labor.

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i was having regular contractions so i went in to hospital for a check after my husband called them and the midwife did an internal exam there. It wasnt pink blood it was a heavy amount of blood which slowed down after my bath. The blood clot thing which me and my husband thought is my plug was just red

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they sent me home because my contractions were 7 minutes apart not 5 and because my internal exam showed that my cervix was closed and the midwife said that the doctor read my notes and said it was ok for me to leave as if i was in early labour the cervix would take atleast 24 hours to dilate. she said i should go home and take a bath and go to bed. which i did.

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