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Have I been 'dumped'?

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Where I work is very lonely and cutthroat, so it's rare that you meet someone you get along with and sustain a conversation with that isn't about work. I met a guy about a month ago, and we were seeing each other a few times a week, emailing every day (just 'how are you? how's your day?' type thing).


We were meant to go for a drink on Friday afternoon, but he bailed on me citing lots of work. On Monday I invited him for some coffee, again he had lots of work to do. I've decided to leave the ball in his court, and since then I've heard nothing from him. He saw me in the canteen today (so he knows I exist), and still nothing. Have I been dumped as a friend? Should I just email him asking if we're no longer mates and if he's ignoring me - or is that childish? I was just so happy to have a friend I could meet up with during the day, and I'm kinda sad it's fizzled out.


Thanks for reading.

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It is quite possible he is busy but I don't think I would email him and ask him if your no longer mates and if he's ignoring you.I would simply see how it goes and if you see him be friendly and smile say hello.If he is truly igoring you he won't be chummy he will be more standoffish and you will be able to tell by his actions what he feels.

I would leave him alone after that and just see what happens.

If he is unresponsive and their is no contact after that I would just say to myself,if I were you "It is his loss".Which it is.

Hope I helped a bit.

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