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i really don't know what to do. i've been with my boyfriend for awhile and i thought i loved him. but now i'm not sure. i know he's totally in love with me and wants to marry me, but it's all going so fast. i'm 3 years younger than he is, so marriage seems a long way off for me. he's not really doing anything with his life, and i know that i will not stay with him if he doesn't go to college someday. he'd be heartbroken if i ever dumped him. i dont know how i feel about him anymore. i dont think i love him, because i really like someone else. the other person feels the same way about me, but he doesn't want a relationship right now, and i think he's saying that because he doesn't want me to leave my boyfriend for him. i just keep telling myself i shouldn't think these things, and i should just stay with my boyfriend, but everytime my boyfriend tells me he loves me, i feel like im lying when i say it back, because im not sure. i dont want to tell him about this because it would break his heart, and i couldn't do that to him. i wish i could just stop my mind from thinking sometimes.

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Hi ,

From all you have said it doesnt seem like you love your boyfriend anymore. I think you should tell him that. Its going to be very painful for him as well as you, but its better than lying to him now, tagging this along for longer and telling him some time else.

Also, after breaking off please dont start going around with this other person immediately coz it'll terribly hurt the guy you have just dumped. Besides you should take adequate time before going for this guy you said you are in love with, to make sure that this time the relationship is for keeps.


Honestly talk to your boyfriend, give it some time and then see what next. Good luck!



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