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So I'm doing ok, go to happy hour have fun, come home watch a movie with a friend. Go to sleep and have an awful dream about him! It goes...

I see him at his house and he admits to me that he is back with his ex (the ex he couldn't stop talking to when he was seeing me and lied about) of course he's being really cold in the dream. She pulls up in this hunk of junk and I go to the car and ask why are you doing this, can't you see your just his fall back girl? She says that he really loves her and they are getting back together so I should get over it. I know it's a silly dream, but the wake up in the middle of the night with this awful feeling, the feeling that what I was thinking the whole time came true! It seems silly now though. But now I can't help to think that this was some kind of omen and the whole time he was dating me he wanted her, which is another silly statement cause why date me right? Ahh so confused now, stupid subconscious!

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I guess this is one of those "bad days" it's raining here I'm trying to keep busy cleaning up, mopping floors, laundry etc and its not working! I can't help to think about him and wonder what he's doing, it hurts! I feel so stupid and I feel like I'm wasting time even thinking about him, I keep catching myself wanting to contact him, and I've been doing so well!

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