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just a bunch of rent really....

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well im here quite often....


this is just one of those days that is just unbearable.....

it always seem like every frustrating and painful things all happen at the same time......


i am still healing from a breakup of a 2 yrs relationship that happened a month and 4 days ago....it has been complete NC ever since....meaning i never contacted or been contacted by the ex...except for 1 letter at the very beginning of the breakup....i am definitly feeling im on the road to recovery and i do want to thank EVERY SINGLE member here for it.....u guys really helped me through some tough times.....and i really learned ALOT about myself as well as people in general through this experience (it was my first long term relationship)....


however sometimes i really just feel like i lost something so close to me......and me and my ex live in the same townhouse complex (we're students).....and right now i have exams....as well as i only have 17 days left in the townhouse i currently live in.....i havn't found any other suitable housing yet....and yet the thought of moving out of the same townhouse complex as my ex really saddens me.....we basically lived together during the relationship cuz we literally lived 30 steps away from each other......and besides that, my summer work is a 10 minutes walk, and university is just accross from the complex......i dunno it feels like its the end of a huge chapter in my life.....and times like now i look back and still cant believe how a person who loved me and woulda done anything for me can change so easily.....really breaks my heart......i do have to say only 1 month and 4 days and im doing grand fine......but hey.....love really is everlasting....both the joy and the pain.....


anyways its just a rent....sorry its a lil long....feel free to post how u guys are doing in your stage of healing.....its always good to hear how other people are doing....and looking forward to that 1 day when everything is fresh again...

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