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well I think I'm finally starting to get it, there is someone, somewhere out there for me who will respect and love me for who I am, not someone who is afraid, or too much of a jerk to know what he has. I will get there, it's still hard and it's still fresh in my mind, but I've gotten over this sort of thing before, I'm better for it now. Now I know what mistakes not to make the next time. Don't ignore that "feeling" next time, just cut it. I'm 31, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be an old maid, I have a lot to offer someone who deserves it. I can't change how someone is, it's just too bad for them to go through life that way. At least I know what kind of person I am strong, fun, outgoing, smart, active, creative, caring and that there is someone out there who will appreciate all of this.

Sorry to sound like I'm tooting my horn, but this is how I feel today (although I can't say I won't be crying later lol!)

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Anytime you start slipping and wondering and hurting.. come back and read your own quote:


At least I know what kind of person I am strong, fun, outgoing, smart, active, creative, caring and that there is someone out there who will appreciate all of this.


You are absolutely right, and that 'someone' is the one whom will deserve it, and love you absolutely for it.

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Hey there girl,


I am so glad you are feeling great today! Awesome! No way, you are not going to be an old maid...I will be 30 this year and I do not feel I will. I guess when things are meant to happen, they will. Now, I am enjoying life.


Like RayKay pointed out, whenever you start to doubt yourself, go back and read what you wrote about yourself. With that attitude, you cannot go wrong.

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Yey, go girl! I feel just the same as you! I once read this somewhere - hope it helps u and others...."You are not a K-Mart Blue Light Special, you are a precious jewel, the good thing that a man must find. Not all men will be worthy of this jewel, but that is *their* problem, not yours. Not all men will be ready for the real thing. Just see them for what they are, "not of a like kind". I love this quote! Hugs, Vx

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Thanks Vx I know he wasnt ready for someone like me, its a bruse to the ego but I am happier with out him (minor set backs happen but thats expected). I also heard something similar to your analogy, my friend told me. It goes something like the good apples are the ones at the top of the tree and they are the hardest to reach, while the rotten ones are at the bottom, easy picking. She said we are the good apples and we just have to wait for someone who's patient and persistent enough to bypass the rotten ones to get to the top of the tree!

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