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My ex is probably going to get back with me... but she made out with a guy and I cant seem to get over it, she said she missed me after she kissed him but how do I get it out of my head I feel cheated sort of...

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ouch. sorry to hear.

It depends how much you care/love her and how she has treated you in the past when you were together.

Sometimes people can do have mixed up feelings and still loving the one very much who they are with.

If you really want to get back together and deal with the situation.. Maybe turning some positive points into this.

Like.. it's this guy who made ur ex clear that she definatly wants YOU.

But when your feelings are more like that you get a hard time trusting her again. You should consider this carefully. Don't take her back just like that. Makes her clear that she has to put effort in this too. She was the one who betrayed your trust. If she really loves you, she's willing to do some effort for you.

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This is all about trust. Will she do this again is of more importance. Will you ever forget the two of them embraced in a passionate kiss? No! Can you forgive her? Maybe. Will you throw this back in her face whenever you two get in an argument? Probably. Is this reconciliation going to be over before it starts? More than likely.


The point is, you cannot change the things that she did, you can only change how you view them and deal with them. She had a lapse in judgement which she probably regrets but are you man enough to let it go and never bring it up again and try to make the relationship work? That is the real question.



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