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NEED OPINIONS :D obviously on a girl i met :D

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well heres the scoop:


i have been posting about my breakup from a 2 yrs relationship a month and 2 days ago.....i've been doin alot better in the last 2 weeks....this week has been great....there are still some down times and what not but im gettin thro them....


anyways onwards with the story, i was at a gym workin out...i saw this girl in the aerobics room alone doing stretches and whatnot....so after working out some more....i racked up my b4lls and decided to talk to her....i basically just said that i saw her doing stretches and thought maybe a girl would know how to work on abs, and besides i dun want to ask the guys in the gym cuz i be embarrassed and i dont want to join a pilate class either....anyways we small talked for a little bit and we introduced ourselves...and she seemed to be quite enthusiastic about showing me some exercises.....anyways fastward i told her i had to finish another set on my weights n ill be right back...so i finished my set of work out very quickly (haha) and went to the aerobics room...where we talked for about 15-20 minutes just about random stuff....and it was a nice conversation it wasn't akward or anything we were both smiling when talking and stuff....anyways 3 o'clock hits and i was like "so did you want to show me some of these exercises?" and she was like "ohh i have class at 3!".....at this pt i thought to myself ohhhh mann a damn rejection!!...but she followed her sentence with "well r u gonna be here on thursday? i can show u on thursday at 2".....so i said "yeahh for sure that would be cool" .....and we parted from there....


i wanted to ask for her number on the spot but i thought i wait until thursday, when i get to know her a little better. but the pt is.....how does this sound to u guys??? is there any signs in there that she might be interested in getting to know me?? or is she just being nice??? but if she is just being nice why would she go out of her way to set for a later day to show me these exercises?? and finally....do u guys think it was obviouse that i wanted to get to know her??? and 1 more, how should i go about to find out whether or not shes available?


OPINIONS PLSSS!!! and thanks for reading it was alot longer than i thought it would be!

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hmm i should find out if she works for the gym :S....any more opinions on this subject?? love to hear what u guys have to say! and i know it has been asked a millions tims on this forum....but what are the body languages i should be noticing? i mean when we talked we held eye contact for the most part....and when i went to shake her hand when introducing myself she leaned forward and clarified my name....i dunno hellp! lol

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hehehe lol.. don't know the body languages.. Only time will tell.. you will notice by time how she reacts. You only talked to her once.

But assuming that she's not working for the gym.

A girl will never set another meet up if she isn't interested at all or doesn't 'like' you.

I especially would go and not set another date to meet up if I wasn't interested in the other person.

It doesn't have to mean that she's already interested in dating, but interested in knowing you.

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Ok man, for future reference it would've been good to get her number and/or screen name then because she seemed interested. Say "sure thursday at sounds good. lemme give you a call and let you know that i'll be here.", but you can still get her number anyways. Just stroll up like you did before and start in on the convo. You don't need anybody else and you wanna get to the point, so get her info and set up some coffee or something like that.


If she's not single she'll let you know. Eye contact, physical touching, leaning in when you talk, these are all indicators of interest. The fact that she asked you to come back and meet her, this is a pretty damn good sign.


Ya did good, get out there and do your thing. And keep talking to other girls too.

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Workout buddies sounds good to me.


As time goes on you'll realise if she's being nice to you because you take an interest in how your body looks or whether she wants to date you. Either way it sounds like you'll enjoy being in her company.


Good luck

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hmm I don't know about the workout-buddy thing.. Maybe it would leave a too obviously impression that you're really just interested to be a workout buddy nothing more nothing less..

It's good to have a casual coffee, then you two will have a chat in another environment. Then you can pay attention to other things then the workouts.

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