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ex contacted me after 3 wks ....

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Well I was in a 4 year relationship and on march 13 my ex broke things off. We had some issues in our relationship that couldve be fixed but she felt like i was holding her back from doing things and it was to late.


let me tell you a quick little story ..... before me and her got together i would always see the # 43 .... no matter if it was the last digits of the time, seeing it one the street, tv, anything.... the #43 was everywhere. I kept seeing it though our long term relationship. She even knew about it because i would tell her. I would try to figure out what it meant. I never let it get to me ... im not in to the superstious stuff and all that. To make a long story short ... the day after we broke up i did my regular things before i went to work ... i turned on my tv and the channel i had left it on was off air. But in the middle of the screen it had the #s 4.3 just like that.... with the dot. I was like what the hell come on, this has to mean something. Then BAM it hit me ... weither it means it or not ... my ex and i were in our relationship for 4 years and 3 months. march 9 made the 3 month mark. I was like you have to be kidding me.... 4 years and 3 months ... WOW ... to me this is odd


ANYWAYS .... i have not made any contact w. her since march 13 (the day we broke up) really the only contact i had was a lil txt message i sent b4 she went to cali... but that was it ... i stuck w. NC ... i told a couple people about my story on the #43 and they told me wait till april 3 (4/3) ... its coming up ... i was thinking about making some type of contact yesterday but i told myself not to and i didnt. then at night i was hanging out w. a couple buddies at my place watching the uf vs ucla game and then i noticed a IM (instant message) on my computer. IT WAS HER ! i again was in shock ... we havent spoken in 3 wkks and the day she "contacts" me was on 4/3 !


she asked if she could call me and i told her sure. we talked about how things were going and she wanted to know if i had one of her brothers dvds and what not and then she came out and told me she might have some type of medical problem. im not going to get in to detail w. that but she started crying and i got upset myself . i told her that i am here for her no matter what happened between us (we didnt break up on bad terms) we didnt really talk about the whole break up or anything ... but i told her i still had love for her and will be there for her ... thats all i can say..


my point here is this has to be some type of sign ... it has to be... this stuff couldnt just hapen like that ...


please if you guys can give me some feedback ... ive been moving on since the break up .. but this is really buggin me right now ...


thanks in advance


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Hi there Will,


Ok...I went back to your older posts and found your first one and I did respond to it.



And this 43 business...I mean it could mean something but maybe not. I would just deal with the issue at hand.


In one of your older posts you wrote:

"Im already talking to other girls and what not." "This girl im talking to right now is a great girl. But I don't want to hurt anyone. "


What ever became of this? If you are still talking to this girl and you call your ex, you WILL be hurting this new girl. It has happened to be and it hurts big time.


"She still has some things of mine including a ring ... I feel that if shes the one that broke things off I deserve the ring back.....don;t know what to do... I told her to give me the ring back or just the papar work...."


Have you gotten this ring back? If not, I would arrange a time to get a back and that is it. She may be holding on to it as collateral to be in your life somehow or that she has something she knows you want. You may have to cut your losses and realize you may not get that ring back. IMO, I would not want to keep a ring an ex gave me (I would be more than happy to give it back), but at the same time on principle, it was a GIFT that you gave and just because it was expensive...that is the price you pay giving expensive gifts. The cost should not matter. What matters it was a gift.


The bottom line is you guys broke up, she initiated the break up, you have moved on and you are talking to other girls. So what if she called you...oh well, it does not necessarily mean she wants you back. Like you mentioned to her before, she cannot have her cake and eat it too. So what about the DVDs, just send them back to her. I am sorry about her medical problem but she is no longer your responsibility. She is still turning to you for emotional support and you are letting her. That is what she is testing you on...ignore her calls. Keep moving forward. Take care and wishing you the best.

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