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Get your ex back books? Playing with the reader?

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Okay, has anyone actually bought one of these? They say that their methods ALWAYS work and that if you do what the book says, you're garenteed to get your ex back. Has anyone read one and do their strategys really work? If they do can anyone sum up the main ones they say? Or are the people that write these books just playing with peoples emotions by saying they always work?

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i've never bought it but there is nothing you can do to get your ex back. he/she is going to have to want to come back. Its called free will. The book may guarentee you'll get your ex back if you follow EVERYTHING the book says...but think about it. EVERYTHING. there is no possible way you have done everything correctly in the book.


The best thing you can do is move on and self improve. Hopefully you ex can see that she made a mistake and will come back to you. But dont count on it.

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yeah, I don't think you can trust ANYTHING that gives you any kind of a guarantee. I know it's a cliche, but the only thing that's ever certain is death and taxes.


I'm skeptical of such claims and it makes me doubt these books. There are things you can do that will increase your chances of getting your ex back, but no gaurantees. Everyone is different and everyone responds to something else.

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Okay, has anyone actually bought one of these? They say that their methods ALWAYS work and that if you do what the book says, you're garenteed to get your ex back. Has anyone read one and do their strategys really work? If they do can anyone sum up the main ones they say? Or are the people that write these books just playing with peoples emotions by saying they always work?


I think you will find that the advice given in these type of books is similar to the advice you will receive here and many other places:


Don't keep strongly chasing after someone who is having doubts about making a commitment to you--it will only push them away. If you want to have a chance to reunite with your ex, act as independently as you can muster (NC, date other people, take up something new, etc...). At the same time, if you do find yourself in the company of your ex, be pleasant, hopeful, and positive about yourself and your future...i.e., don't give them any additional justifications for having dumped you. Chances are that it was a difficult decision for them. Once you are out of the picture, unless they find someone else to meet their needs, you *might* retrospectively start looking better and better in their eyes. Perhaps at this point, they will see you in a new light, and the two of you will be able to build a stronger relationship than you had before.


Does it work? I don't know. I suspect it does probably work reasonably well it certain situations. And even if it doesn't work, it's probably decent advice anyway... It's just not quite honest to guarantee the kinds of results that most of those books try to guarantee (good ol' marketing raising it's sometimes nasty head, I guess).

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I disagree about these books "not" helping you. Sure, you guys are right in saying that it's up to them to come back you. That is 100% correct. But I also believe that knowledge is power and we can learn things all the time, even if that means picking up a book to reaffirm things that we are not always aware of.


If there is any book that you wanna buy, make sure it's the one about keeping relationships strong, you can never learn enough about that!!!

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