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Girlfriend broke up with me over alcohol and other guys

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This is going to be long but please, I need your guys opinion and help:


I was in this relationship for a year and nine months with Liana. The first year was almost perfect and throughout that year I broke up with her a few times because I felt I needed space and that I was isolated, but I always got back with her because I realized how much I need and want her. After I really realized how much breaking up with her hurt her and how much I need her I didn't break up with her again and we went strong for at least five months.


Then she broke up with me for the first time after she goes to this girls house. I knew that there was alcohol and guys there and that was the reason she broke up with me. A few days later she was at my house and she got a call from this guy and I found out she met him at this party and thats why she broke up with me. After that I talked to her about how much I love her and how I wanted things to work for us and we got back together for another 4 months.


We started getting into a lot of fights again over dumb things and now I know the reason we faught is because we both felt isolated form the outside world. I would also tell her things out of anger instead of love and that was wrong.


Anyways, on the 4th of July she ditched me for a party and got drunk and met this same guy again. She broke up with me the next day. It has been since the 4th of july that we have been broken up, and I just learned that she had sex with that guy (Matt) yesterday and that really hurts.


She says that she doesn't want a boyfriend now and would rather get drunk and have sex with other guys...


how can I convince her to be with me and that we can still have fun and go to parties TOGETHER. I don't want to loose her

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Excuse Me........!!!!!!!!

What did you just say?

How is it that you know this young ladies wearabouts and when her and this Matt character had sex? What in the tarnations. I am upset that anyone would tell you such things. How could it benefit you to know that someone else is being with her. How dare them! If I was you...I would cut my losses. Sweetie, I know its hard to hear....but when a women flat out tells you that all she wants to do is get drunk and have sex with other men...it can only be two things...


1. Just what she said

2. She is playing games and trying to hurt you.


So now you have to ask yourself....which one of these makes sense to hold on too. You sound like a guy who has been through enough ups and downs this year and I think you should start the healing process....

Much luck


I'll pray for you. Everyone who believes in the higher source could maybe pray for you to be strong during this. The more people that pray...the easier it gets everyday. Good Luck!

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She didn't come out and tell me all this at first, I mean, I knew she went to parties but I had to talk to her for a while to get her to tell me that she was cheating on me and that she just had sex with another guy.


She also seems to have RADICAL mood swings. Like one minute she is nice and comforting me and another she says "I can't take even being your friend anymore, I never want to see you again!"


I just wish I had her back but things were like they were the first year of our relationship. Even she admited that the first year was perfect and great.

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