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Guy already involved

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I've fallen in love with someone already involved. I feel so strongly for him, and I feel I can't wait any longer without exploding. I have zero patience. I want to tell him, but I obviously can't. I want to tell someone, but I can't risk him finding out. We're good friends, and there's a chance it'll ruin the friendship, which is also a concern of mine. Maybe it's just not meant to be. His current relationship isn't very serious... which I guess is why I keep holding on...but I'm so in love with him. I'm not the type of person to dwell, but he's a find... a really good person. Should I stick it out and wait? Or should I just forget him? Is there too much to lose? I hate sounding overdramatic, desperate and pathetic, but I'm head-over-heels. But I think at this point I am all of the traits I listed, and I need to act on something before this gets worse. Stupid guys.

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If you tell him, why would it ruin the friendship?


If a girl told me about her feelings, our friendship wouldn't be ruined EVEN IF I didn't feel the same way.


I see friendships as something very valuable, and I won't lose it so easily like that.


Follow your heart.....but anyway, right now there isn't much you can do since he is involved.

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I've known of him all through highschool. In the last year I've gotten to know him. I'm graduating at the end of the year, and I see him everyday. It's just our connection. I can't relate to anyone on the same level. I don't think I've ever been in love before this, so I can't compare what I feel to past relationships, but I know this is different. I feel like I could be with him forever and as long as I know him I know I'll never get over him. Bottom line: I'm an idiot for continuing with the thought of us being together... he has a girlfriend and I'm slowly driving myself insane.

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Oh come on...*hugssss* I don't think you're an idiot. The human emotions can be hard to explained....

Yes you're in love with him and he's involved with someone, but you can't just turn off your feelings like a light switch.

Everything takes time.......

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Yeah. I have no patience, and that's a problem. I just sort of expected movie-romance. I know this isn't realistic, but I want to be swept off my feet. I don't want to have to wait for the guy I love to break up with his girlfriend... it shouldn't be that hard or awkward. Thanks a lot for your advice by the way, I'm really taking it to heart.

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I don't think it's unrealistic....I'm a romantic type too who wants movie/fairytale romance....


You are only in high school and you've got a long life ahead of you (makes me feel old saying this....I'm only in university, ja ja). I'm not saying you won't be with him (we never know!) but even if not, I'm sure the universe will bring you the chosen one.


Right now it's alright to keep the love but I don't think it's a good idea to tell him. You should know your limits, and don't get yourself hurt in the long run; it's not worth it. As the Spanish proverb goes "Amar es tiempo perdido, si no se es correspondido", meaning "of all pains, the greatest pain, is to love, but love in vain."

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i think yo should walk away, he is attached. serious or not serious.

do a NC for yourself to get over it.

MY OPINION, you shouldnt tell him, it isnt his problem, it is yours, . You are just going to create a problem for him by telling him somethng that WILL effect his current relationship. I think if you tell him it is a only self forfillingm it doesnt do him any good and neither will it do you any good in the long run.

Try to get over him by doing NC.

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