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I need to take things of my head...im going to explode..

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Well, I found out that my dad was telling everyone of in my family because of me, I went out last night and dad wasnt too happy. He told me at the beginging of the year if i dont pass this year (collage) im not allowed to study anymore! ITS NONE OF HIS BUSINESS ANYWAY!... I have made up my mind, Im not going out anymore, Im going to open a new account (parents wont know about it) and save money to move out. Hopefully by the end of the year I'l be out.

Im sure I can keep studing and working. I will also apply for government student allowances for those who move out and live on their own. I'l be much happier on my own.


My mum always has had strong cultural beliefs, but today she told me I dont have to marry, I can be with any guy I want regardless of their nationalilty, she said I can live as how I please, all she wants me to do is pass. Im scared, If I fail this semester than my family will probably break up coz of my dad, i feel he has seriosly lost the plot. Ever since my gandfathers death (3yrs ago) he has been really mean towards the family, especailly my mum. Im sick of this life.


I seriously had visions of me crashing my car while I was driving home on the freeway, I drove really fast like 140km/h and I couldnt stop crying... I felt like dying just leaving this pathetic life im living now. Theres too much pain, my family is so broken and im in the middle of it all.


Please help me, is there anything I can do to make things easir? Please I really need help.

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Your parents problems are not yours - if they break up it is not because of you. Sounds like your dad is hurtin pretty bad since he lost his dad?. Have compassion for him - he may not even understand his own feelings.


Sounds also like it might be time for you to leave the nest. It is exciting isn't it? I think that you have a plan there go for it. Make new friends visit new places and decide what is important and good for you.


Life is about constant change and things will get better.


Study hard - get tutors or what ever you need to do to pass and move on - you can do it. Stay with your education - in the long run you'll be glad you did.


Be kind to yourself - let yourself have time just to be and not worry about things, give yourself a treat and relax.

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