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Everyone is isolating me

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Since I've been in school I've been depressed. I made a few friends here but I don't think they're really my friends. They're only around when they want to have a good time and if their spouses or boyfriends are not around, or when they want to talk about your problems without offering advice or solace. My professor who advises a few other students require them to work at the clinic a lot and whenever I ask if I can work there he nicely voices his disapproval and and suggests I try working on an independent project. I'm a good student with a good personality and I see no reason why he keeps excluding me. I talked with him about getting more professional experience and he blew me off. I argued my case again and it made matters worse. I'm going to make a bad MD if this keeps up. The other students said I'm overreacting. I want to quit. I've never felt so isolated and alone. Does anyone have any advice? I have no where else to go.

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: school can be tough...But you have to learn to be forceful even if means you are perceived as a b**** at first. I know you said you argued with you professor but when arguing with someone who-im assuming- thinks that he/she's right you must stand your ground, and tell them to list the specific reasons why he thinks you should not work at that clinic and that you feel that it is important to work in an inviorment in which resembles that of which you will eventually working in. I hope this helps...

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Is there someone in an office you can go and make a complaint to about the Professor? Tell them that he's discriminating against you by not treating you the same as the other students.


I hope this works and you don't end up being bullied by the other students or get into more trouble with the Professor!


Good luck and take care.

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Thanks for the advice. I can't really go to an office to file a complaint because it'll just be my word against his. And the rest of my classmates will not take my side and risk angering the professor. And I think most of my classmates already consider me a B**** for standing my ground so far. Maybe I can bear it out and finish ASAP. But sometimes it's just so hard to cope.

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I got along well with everyone until I noticed I was being treated differently. When I expressed my concern I was the one being unreasonable. I care about my future. I don't want anything to get in the way of my success. My professor was angry after our argument but now he's nicer since I no longer expressed an interest in working in the clinic. Maybe I'll be a med. professor instead.

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school can be tough...But you have to learn to be forceful even if means you are perceived as a b**** at first. I know you said you argued with you professor but when arguing with someone who-im assuming- thinks that he/she's right you must stand your ground, and tell them to list the specific reasons why he thinks you should not work at that clinic and that you feel that it is important to work in an inviorment in which resembles that of which you will eventually working in. I hope this helps...


I took your advice and he said I'm not motivated like his other students. I expressed an interest in working in the clinic. I thought that was motivation. He said maybe I can work in the clinic next year. I think I'm not being treated very well because I'm the only one in the group who isn't a brownnoser. Should I kiss his butt?

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What kind of program are you in, exactly? I thought medical schools had a pretty standard curriculum, in terms of the various rotations that you have to do and the amount of hands-on experience you get. Your relationship with your advisor sounds more like a PhD program of some sort...but even then, wouldn't you need to have a set number of clinical hours to get licensed? It's terrible to have so little control over your education.

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