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should I do this dating website thing??

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I have done it several times. I met my last gf on a dating website. I also met someone that I am casually dating now on a networking website. You have nothing to lose. Just know that it gets very overwhelming and it is hard to keep up with all of the people.

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I met my wife on Yahoo's dating site and I'm very glad I gave it a shot, I've never been happier. I was very busy and many of my friends were trying to set me up on blind dates, I wanted no part of that. The last thing I needed was a friend calling me playing the he said/she said game. I look at online dating services as a way to weed through the masses to find those that most interest you, it saves time. Just be careful because just like in the real world there are liars, players and creeps hiding behind those million dollar smiles.



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I am a huge advocate of online dating. I had trouble meeting women for the longest time and got into online dating and it helped tremendously. I found it helped me not only find great women for both romantic and plutonic relationships, but it also developed my ability and confidence in the 'real world'. Its really a great tool, and if you're having trouble finding someone compatible with you, it should work great. You have absolutely nothing to lose by giving it a go. Best of luck to you!

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I am also a desperate romantic guy.. who I always though wouldn't get me anywhere if I am nice to woman and respect them (i.e. no sex toys or anything of that nature) I wanted a relationship.. and I am in a relationship now for weeks and 4 days with the this girl that I met online at a website which is full of ppl just trying to kill time and not really into anything so I can tell you if its a dating site it will even work better . the one I met her is free its called www.meetmeinto.com. she is my first GF and first seriose relationship ( and I did tell her that 2 days ago. was kinda terrified but then I didn't want to lie to her about my past as we are very honest about eachother's feelings).. I am not her first but I really don't care about that.. she really likes me.. she says I am different from the jerks she has dated in the past. we haven't slept together but we kiss and hold hands.. and we have been just official 3 days ago where indirectly she called me her B/F.. I kinda did called her my G/F a day before that but she never did. I am a guy that gets worried about everything constantly thinking about her and how she feels.. so I say yes definitely give it a try and believe me it works. many guys who are in those websites want a serious relationship and they are committed and many including me are heartbroken from their past, women lie to them make them think they are into you and then booom she is gone.. knocked you down.. this is the exact detail of me meeting this woman and I am extremely happy now



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