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What would you do differently?

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I'm looking for some input to the following questions:


1. If you could live your life over again from the beginning, what would you do differently?


2. If you could tell your younger self right now ONE thing to help you on life's journey, what would it be?


Thanks all!

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(1) learn the violin (to be parlayed into fiddle, now); learn to row; stick with track; attend a small liberal arts college instead of a large science and engineering school; study abroad for a year; learn french and spanish instead of german; volunteer with habitat OR join the peace corps; tutor ESL adults to improve their written English so they struggle with immigration issues less. trust myself more and my parents less. don't care so much what other people think.


(2) have more courage

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1. make more friends through school and college; lead study groups; help more people; try out for more clubs and sports and get more skills at a younger age; spend more time with my grandparents; work more part - time jobs; have more faith in myself;learn polish; go to france for a year in college;


2. Don't beat yourself up over your mistakes, you are as good as anyone else and have equal rights

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1. If you could live your life over again from the beginning, what would you do differently?


Nothing. I made mistakes, but they are part of whom I am now, I learned from them. Nor do I wish to have been less touched by bad things, as those too are things that are part of the whole, part of my experience and being. I am pretty happy with how I have spent my life, and how I balance it and what my priorities are. I am a believer if you are also not happy with what you did then, or missed then, make up for it with a vengeance NOW


2. If you could tell your younger self right now ONE thing to help you on life's journey, what would it be?


Relax, and enjoy the journey. Things work out in the end even when they seem impossible. Love to the fullest, laugh, play, and never take anything for granted, each day is precious. Always tell your loved ones you love them, hug them, and never leave angry. Love yourself, you are beautiful and will be loved for that - don't change whom you are to fit into what others want.

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I've often thought of this queston - at times I think there are things I would have done differently- other choices that could have been made - of course you've got to be aware that you have options before you can choose them. By and large I wouldn't change anything about my life. There has been good and really good and there has been bad and not too bad. I have loved and lost and been lonely and found love again. There is so much beauty in this world and I am in constant awe of it. I have had the honor to have touched so many lives and who knows maybe I did them some good in some small way.

In the end no regrets.


I would tell my younger self to remember to stay in the here and now - the past isn't anymore and the future is yet to unfold. Remember to ask the deeper question. Relax.

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