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Whats the earliest after conception you can have a miscarridge

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Hello, im just doing abit of research for a couple of my friendswho have just broken up. But the girl thinks/thought she was pregnant. Now she thinks as she had an early period she had a miscarridge. Anyways, whats the earliest after conception you can have one of these? and what other reasons may her period of happened early?




EDIT: added spaces between some words which I missed out.

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She thought she was pregnant cos she felt different. Didnt have morning sickness and, well as she had her period not much chance of a embryo surviving that. Hence why I believe there is little chance of her being pregnant as you need the uterus's lining and all that to protect it and stuff. (can you call it uteral linning).


Also they both really need some education on all of this and contraception.

They both blieved condoms to be 100% effective, they also both thought pill was 100% effective, neitherknew about precum and the fact you can get someone pregnant ven if the male does no ejaculate. And all this sort of stuff.

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Tell your friend to get a test, some people do have spotting when pregnant.


Anyway, an egg can not implant as soon as it is fertilized, or it can implant and miscarry before you ever even know you were pregnant - often due to the fact there is a genetic defect, or a problem with the cell division..the body then miscarries it.


I don't think people would consider it a "miscarriage" if they never knew they were pregnant though.


Whom broke up with whom? Are you sure she was not saying she was maybe pregnant just to kinda...well...keep him around? I have know girls to do this....and then say they miscarried. Usually younger girls, but it has happened nevertheless. The symptoms of pregnancy are generally not felt until at least 2 weeks in, often not for longer, and they are much like PMS symptoms too.

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Well he broke up with her. But she went to me first asking if she should tell him if she was pregnant, and they had sex about 3 weeks ago maybe 4 now. Also it wasn't spotting, it was a full on period.


I think maybe though she thought she was pregnant, just had her period early (think its due this week and she had it 2 days aggo). And is getting paranoid and thinking she miscarried, or just saying he got her pregnant to scare him (as she really hates him at the moment as he hasnt been the best of people about the break up).


She didn't say she had any symptoms of PMT just that she felt "weird and odd", I put that down to her braking up with the bloke she really loved, it would feel weird, one day being in each others pockets the next broken up without warning.

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Younger women, even older women, can often have whacky periods especially during stressful times!


I don't know, it just seems odd she would wonder about if she should tell him she was pregnant if she was not even late, or did not even know, yet. Know what I mean? So that is why I asked.

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