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im sooo confused!!

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someone please help


my ex and i have gone back to speaking terms last week after 7 months of no contact and its always me starting a conversation so i started talkin to her about why not and about being friends and stuff and here are some things she has said throughout the whole discussion


'i wudnt mind being a friend, but not all at once'




'im really sorry to say this, but either be friendly or normal or dont talk to me i actually have too much other stuff to do to have this convo'




'i wdnt mind being friends wiht u, but i dnt wana b ur friend like i was before'


and i asked why and she responded with 'because that was a year ago'

and so i said 'no but ur sayin u wouldnt ever wanna be friends like we were before'


and she said 'im sayin im not gna decide wether or not to be'


and here is another thing she said to me.. after tellin her that i missed bein her friend


'yeh, i do get it, but i dnt really understand y, u have lots of other friends now'


i dont no what to do because i really do miss her loads.. and basically she doesnt mind bein my friend but she isnt exactly trying and doesnt show much interest =( .. and i really dont understand why because we had such a gd friendship before she was like a best friend and im really hurt that shes forgotten all about it


i really want her back but i dont no what to do.. please help someone

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Well, first of all read through this forum a bit and you will see "what to do", and "what not to do".

So far, everything you are doing is "what not to do".

Has anything you've done to get her back worked? NO.

So, do the opposite.

Initiate "No Contact".

Make her miss you, make her wonder why you aren't calling her.

That is your only hope!

The more you push for a relationship, the more she'll pull away.

Simple as that!

You look needy and that is so undesirable.

Remove her number from your phone and never call her again.

This may or may not work.

But I guarantee what you are doing right now will not work.

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Dont worry about it. Basically the attitude you need to take is I dont care if you want to be friends with me. You shouldnt have to ask to be friends with anyone.


She doesnt want to be friends probably for many reasons so dont try to think about it. Obviously she isnt worth it.

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SHe hasn't forgotten....she wants to forget. She just wants to move on. In fact, she already has..so...she wants YOU to move on. She wants to move on without having you there trying to pull her back - hence her lack of friendliness.


She's saying those things because she doesn't want to be completely mean, but she really doesn't have any interest to be your friend right now. You guys need time apart before you can really become friends again.


It's over. When a girl gets like that, you just have to accept it...the more you try, the sooner she's actually going to start feeling sorry for you. And trust me, once she pities you, it's officially over, never gonna come back, not even a friendship.

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