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The one that got away: Every man has one...

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When I was in year 7 which is eight years ago now I went out with a girl by the name of Rachel. At the time I was 12 or 13 and I thought she was great, I was too young to really even know the word love nor did I ever feel it. It was just nice to have a girlfriend at the time. We always met up at the shopping centre next to our school the morning before and have something to eat and chat before heading down to school. She always wrote me notes in class and gave them to me through her friends, but we got along quite well. Anyway after sort of being boyfriend and girlfriend for five days she wouldn't let me tell anyone that we were going out for some reason, it wasn't because she didn't like me... it was some other reason. Later that day I decided to write her a letter telling her that I no longer wanted to go out with her because of the whole "Don't tell anyone we are going out" even though everyone in the whole school knew that we were a couple... after handing her the note I walked outside with a few friends five minutes later and saw that she was balling her eyes out to her friends and I was getting dirty looks from them... anyway that isn't the point I am trying to make...


We were still really good friends on after that, whenever she went on holidays with her family she would send me a nice post card and I would do the same whenever I went away... I was really nice to have a good girlfriend to talk to about anything and our friendship adjusted to just being friends as it use to.


At the end of grade 10 she changed schools to take up different subjects. We still sent each other letters here and there and stayed in relativley good contact although we never called each other and my reason was partly because I never had a mobile phone and my parents would never let me use the home phone...


We have slowly totally drifted apart over the years... We hadn't spoken in probably two or so years now... I sent her a friendly letter a few months back but never got a reply. The letter never came back to me so I knew she couldn't have moved house, but still I think about her here and now... probably at least once a week wishing I could talk to her and just see what she is doing... she was such a nice young girl...


I in fact really wish we could have some kind of communication now just as friends... It would just be so nice to catch up with her sometime, we did arrange to catchup for a drink quite some time ago but never got around to it. I don't have any if her contact details except the home address she had and her home phone number.


Here's the thing... I never ever went to her house while we were friends but is this the sort of thing I should just let go? I will always think of her because she was my first girlfriend... but we were always such good friends... or is there some collective way that I could contact her again on good terms?


Ooh and one thing I forgot to mention is that I have kept and still have all the letters she wrote me in my year seven classes, and here I am eight years on still with them...


Any advice or experience related much appreciated,


Thanks for reading!

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I going to answer a Question with a Question ... is it really just friendship you want, or do you have tiny part of you somewhere that kinda hopes for an umm reunion?


If you absolutely know 100% that you just want an old "we went to school together" kind of thing, write her ONE more letter, and if she doesnt reply, let it go, if she does, great.


If you are unsure about what you want, steer clear or it'll get messy.

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I am absolutely certain a friendship is all that want I from her. To sit down have lunch, coffee or whatever and just see how she is doing and what she has been doing with her time. The feelings I had for her for anything more than friends disolved a long time ago... I have totally moved on and to be able to sit down and chat and enjoy each others company would be great just like we used to...


I just think it's funny how we reflect on past partners like this...


Thanks for the reply!

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Well, as goofy as this may sound maybe she didn't get the letter? Maybe she lives with someone and they intercepted it. Or another possibility is that maybe she hasn't been able to respond because of something that is going on in her life. And of course last but not least, post offices will hold mail sometimes if there hasn't been a forwarding address provided. I would do a little more research and see if you can look her up

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