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Ok so my gf and I have been going out for around 4 months or so. We cuddle on the couch when we're hanging out and stuff like that. So i guess u can say we're pretty close. WE kiss...but it's not like...a random kiss, you know, its like we only kiss like when i see her for a first time in the day, when shes going somewhere or when she leaves. I want to be able to kiss her whenever I want. Well i mean i can cause ive talked to her about it and shes comfortable about this. It just doesn't happen you know, and i wanna be able to kiss her whenever, not just when i see her or when shes leaving. And my other question is making out. My gf said she wants to make out, and hellz ya i do to. but im a bit nevrous on when to do it. She said she would do it, but she doesnt want to do it in public, she wants to do it in private..so like when would be a good time?? and like its hard cause we're always with friends..like no joke..we dont get alot of alone time...if hardly any at all ya so if u could help me id be most delighted

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um youre the guy. you have to be spontaneous and take charge. next time when you're alone with her and thinking about kissing her. kiss-her. furthermore girls supposedly hate it when you ask if you can kiss them before doing so (personally i think this is sweet & cute) so i would not suggest saying "can i make out with you now"

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