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my boyfriend and i broke up for good a couple days ago.. i broke it off completely, but it ended on a relatively good note. i was feeling really good, very liberated. being home for spring break and no word from him was making it easier than it could've been..


until just now. he sent me a video message of this stupid gadget vacuum thing that rolls around the floor that his mom bought.. she always buys these crazy novelty expensive gadgets, and we sort of made fun of her, or thought it was funny or something. the caption was "haha! look what my mom bought!"




what was the point of sending me that??? i would understand him begging me to take him back or saying something remotely related to the relationship but he completely ignored it and sent me a video like he would over christmas break when we couldn't be together.


i felt soo good about being broken up, even though he's a great guy and i liked him, it just wasn't enough and it wasn't working for me.. but now i'm getting sort of sad and it's making things really hard.. my question is why would he send me something like that?? i know he doesn't want to be friends just yet.. and how do i deal with this???


help quick before i do something stupid that sets me back..



on the page it showed this number i recognized as a female friend's of his that liked him when we were dating. he said he wouldn't go out with her but i know he liked the attention when i was mean to him.. especially now after i was like, "no, i don't think we need time, i just don't like you" (well in maybe nicer words..). anyway, i called him on a stupid whim and discovered he sent it to two other family members too. he said he sent it because he thought we're "friends.." which is complete crap.


anyway, he got all huffy when i asked him not to contact me anymore, because he knows we aren't friends and we never agreed on it at all. he acted like the stubborn and arrogant child that made me want to dump him so now i'm reminded of why i broke it off, which is nice, especially because ending on a good note made it really hard..

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Maybe he is trying to stablish "friendly" communication with you before actually trying to get you back? Or maybe trying to avoid you from forgetting him?


If you really don't want to get back with him, just ignore it. But somehow I can forsee a serious talk with him in your future. Doesn't look like he is over you.

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I get the feeling that you may not actually be over him, judging by your reaction to this video he sent you.


"i would understand him begging me to take him back or saying something remotely related to the relationship but he completely ignored it and sent me a video like he would over christmas break when we couldn't be together."


Seems like maybe he wasn't as upset as you would have liked him to be? You dumped him and he seems to be taking it very well, is that kinda making you feel like you were the one that was dumped?


If you don't really want to be in contact with him then either don't respond OR send him a text message back laughing and with a friendly comment, but don't give any indication that you want a response.

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well, when i ended it, it was after a lot of fighting and talking about being unhappy on my part. he said he wasn't as upset as he would've been because he knew he hasn't "lost" me and that we'd be "friends." i sort of trailed off with something like "i don't think so.." but i am always afraid of completely severing connections. but my birthday is wednesday and i was like "please don't even call me on my birthday." and a lot of "this is goodbye for good" type stuff.


i know i'm not over it, it only happened a couple days ago.. but i was doing much better than i'd usually be doing.


anyway, i just found out he'd sent it to three other people, including this female friend of his that liked him when we were dating. he said he would never go out with her because she's boring (true) but you know, it's the attention. but the other two were family. i called him and he said he thought we were friends..


when i had made it pretty clear i didn't want to talk to him for a very long time.



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