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Crush: How do I know if a guy is using me?

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I have this friend that I like a lot and I want to be more then friends but he doesn't feel that way about me... so I think he takes advangage of the fact that I would do anything for him. So if I wanted him to go somewhere like out to lunch with some other friends and he didn't have money he would say "Well I don't have money but I really want to go and I'm hungry" So I would end up buying him his lunch. and I went to his work one time and for us to leave early he had to pull weeds and who does he ask to help him ME because I wanted to leave so I did it? cuz I like him a lot...He isn't really a bad guy but when it comes to my feelings about him I think he takes advantage!


Please read my other post "How do I stop crushing?"

Author: JennACecil05

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Listen as far as being used goes i am a door mat. I get stepped all over and trodden on, but thats simply a nice guys finnish last thing. However I find its always best to firstly sit down and get things straight in your own head. Is this an always or an occaisionally? The issue with the weeds is a bit of a strange one as it sounds as if it could simply have been a situation in which he simply could not leave until it was done and you helping would speed things up. However where money is concerned it is always best to be wary, a relationship is a shared thing as is the cost of it. If in doubt talk to him, words cost nothing but can solve everything.

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