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Whats the point?

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No, Seriously, Whats the point? If we are all going to die in the relatively near future, whats the point?!


Point is do you want pass through life like a cabbage or make a mark in the lives of others here and your own. You do have a choice, you could just sit in one place and rot away till you die or get yourself moving and see the other wonders around you.


Personally sitting like a cabbage and wasting time is not a way for me... i wana feel all i can(pain,happiness).. i wana see all i can... i wana be the joy of someones life... i want someone to be the joy of my life. As my ex said 'i want everything life has to offer'... and why not? I am alive and its my right since i have the option to choose...

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The point for me is to try to benefit humankind in general ... and hopefully enjoy things along the way!


It's not about me, it's about all of us.


If my existence has a positive meaning to somebody else then I've succeeded.

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If we are all going to die in the relatively near future, whats the point?!

What would be the point if we were not going to die in the near future - or were not going to die at all? Immortality would not make life any more meaningful.


The point, as others have said, is what you make it. What counts is quality more than quantity.

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