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the girl at the register

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Ok so i go with my mother to help her pick up a printer from circuit city. and when i walk in i see a very pretty girl at the counter. who then looks up and smiles i walk around a bit and we sort of stare at each other alot. But being the wuss i am when my mom goes to check out i go off in some corner to avoid her..i then grab the cart by her and she smiles at me and winks...nowfor 2 days shes all i can think about i wanna go back and get her number or something..even though im still in this w/e "untitles" relationship i just wanna talk to this girl.

question is how would i approach her? just walk in fake buying something and ask her for her numbeR? i was thinking maybe going at closing again and seeing if she wanted to do something after.what could i do. i wanna ask her but i dont wanna seem like a stalker =/

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You wouldn't seem like a stalker because you find a pretty lady alluring. You have nothing to lose--ask her out!!!! Women appreciate a man who goes after what he wants. I have been very flattered when men have asked me out after meeting me behind the check out counter. The best was when a young man came up, kissed my hand, and said I was a beautiful lady. The second best was when someone asked me out by saying I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen working at Goodwill. Women like this sort of thing--Nothing is too cheesy for us. We like to be flattered. We like attention. The fact the the check out girl is making eye contact and smiling is a VERY good sign. This is our way of saying, "Hi. Talk to me."


I think it's worth the risk--Don't be afraid. Take a chance....beautiful things can happen when we let go of the trapeze bar and grab hold of the next swing. Life is lovely and mysterious this way!

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