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i just want some help

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hey. i just need 2 get some addvice on this 1...

ok i have known him scince year 8 it has been very on off scince den but now it has been 5 nearly 6 months i think and its proper dis time,i really love him.you probley think that im to young to be in love but thats your opinion.any way.he is really protective of me.like my frinds and i had animal face drawn on us today and he wouldnt talk 2 me and if i do somthing like be stupid wif 1 of my best guys mates (he is like a brother to me) he will be like stop that you might get hurt

and also he takes out his moods on me.he is he angry soimtimes he will like swear at me and get angry but then the next day its like nothing happind with him once he was like upset angry at me and so i went to talk 2 him ( this was in sport) and he was like after the game and walks off so im like ohhhk.den my friend saw my face and went up 2 him and talked 2 him.den later thet night i was on the net and he signed on and i asked him im mean 2 him because when my friend went to talk to him he said "i mean you dont even know half the * * * * she does to me!" so i asked him bout it this convo went for a while and he said im not mean to him but sometimes he gets emberessed of me!!i was really upset bout that so the next day my friends forced me to talk 2 him cause i was really upset bout it and he didnt really care.grr

i cant talk 2 him cuz im afraid of loosing him..when im really angry and feel like killing something he is the only person who can calm me down and i dont wanna loose him cause he needs me he has had a reallly bad child hood he was in rehab or sumthing from how he was when he was younger but now i cant even do something cause of that and he doenst want me to get in trouble but i wont if you can under stand what i just wrote please help me i really need a guys opinion on this one 2.. after all that i love him so much.. o yea der was this thing going round that him and my bestie were cheating on me so i was a bit afraid cuz den she acted like she loved him and flirted with him in frount of me but were over that but it still scares me

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Ok i know u pretty well liza nd i no the people your tlking anbout (best friend and boyfriend!) and i need to know that he would never cheat on you and the best friend wouldnt even go there! They both love you to much for that. Yes i know that shes a flirt and it hurts to see her flirt with your bf and its not right but its who she is! I honestly dont believe she'd mean to hurt you with this! Also with the taking his anger out on you, you need to tell him its not right! because frankly its not! You need to really talk about how you feel because i've watched you guys and this is the real thing! I've spoken to you bout the protectiveness and i hope everything works out!!!


love always ur bestie rozi!

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AWWWW Babe!!!! I understand fully because I'm in that story a couple of times and I know how you felt... Now as you of course know I'm no good with sweet and nice comments so I'll look something up on Google to make you feel better...


Love is strong yet delicate.

It can be broken.

To truly love is to understand this.

To be in love is to respect this.


- Stephen Packer -


There you go my baby, hope it makes you feel better!!!!


Luv Ya Babe



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