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Trust me. He'll leave her again in time. Not saying he'll go back to you either. Just that begging and crying only keeps someone for so long.


no one even read the post did they? SHE dumped HIM. never mind. its not worth it. no one is perfect. no one is going to please you 100% of the time. i made a big mistake posting this here. i wanted insight into his psychological moitvations and no one had anything constructive to say except that i have issues and my boyfriend has issues. well guess what? people who can't stay in a relationship because they're constantly dumping their less than demi-god partners have issues too: its called commitment and trust.


i should have just stuck with the advice of my friends who know the situation better anyway. im done with this forum.

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i wouldn't assume he's not that into you if you are continuing to hang out in that way, it sounds like the two of you have a kind of relationship that doesn't exactly fit the stereotypical kind and that's fine.

but i still agree no contact is the best way to get him back if that's what you want. he's got to realize what he is missing and the only way is to not hang out with him anymore. take a deep breath, go do other things, forget about him temporarily. he will come back to you if he cares about you like he says he does...

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no one even read the post did they? SHE dumped HIM. never mind. its not worth it. no one is perfect. no one is going to please you 100% of the time. i made a big mistake posting this here. i wanted insight into his psychological moitvations and no one had anything constructive to say except that i have issues and my boyfriend has issues. well guess what? people who can't stay in a relationship because they're constantly dumping their less than demi-god partners have issues too: its called commitment and trust.


i should have just stuck with the advice of my friends who know the situation better anyway. im done with this forum.


I did adress his psychological motivations. I think he likes you, but not enough. He certainly doesn't like you as much as you like him, otherwise, he wouldn't have let you go. It sounds like he's constantly on the lookout for "something better" and is sniffing around, thinking that the grass is greener on the other side.

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I did adress his psychological motivations. I think he likes you, but not enough. He certainly doesn't like you as much as you like him, otherwise, he wouldn't have let you go. It sounds like he's constantly on the lookout for "something better" and is sniffing around, thinking that the grass is greener on the other side.
Completely, completely, agreed.


If your ex is sniffing around for something new and better, how does it make you feel about yourself?


If he thinks that there is someone better out there, why do you want to stay?


Besides, he still kept in touch with his ex. That's not a pretty picture. Why? Is he trying to rekindle something with her, in the meantime he throws around a few words of encouragement to you by saying, "Oh, I won't have sex with anybody while I'm single" and you're satisified??


Reminds me of my situation with an ex. He chose link removed over me. Wow. Can you believe the things I found out? He added one of the girls who he told me in his own words, "I had a MAD crush on." Week after week, he would add on more girls in his profile- one after another. The final straw that really got to me was when he added someone who he didn't KNOW. She had her fanny sticking out in the picture. It looked like porn to me.


Anyway, the point is- if your partner feels as though they can find better out there and they choose to "consciously" hurt you, don't stick around. What for? Leave. I left mine. Obviously, he felt as though I'm not good enough. I don't want to stick around to put up with that. It hurt. Doesn't it hurt you Tenshikerri?


Anyway, that's my story to share. Don't put up with bull. You deserve much much more than that.

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