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Well i'm feeling much happier than i did last night. I don't feel as lonely anymore but i don't know why!


Went into school today and the ex was there, but he was sitting on his own as his friends were not there yet. I just blanked him and walked over to my friend. I was proud of myself as if i was still with him i would have went straight to him cos i hated it when he was on his own.


So, i haven't seen him at all today as i felt ill and came home after 45 minutes of being in school.


When i got home, i decided to clear out my things that he bought me. I put my bear on top of my wardrobe where i can't really see it and i put my necklace and christmas/valentines day cards in my memory box. This will help me to move on.


Question for guys who have dumped their girlfriend because they want space - do you ever think about the girl? do you ever feel like you've made a mistake?

i'm just wondering if he ever thinks about me...i would hate it if he just completely forgot me...it would feel like i've wasted months of my life on him.


Anyway, just a random update to say, even though i'm ill, i'm feeling happier(ish)

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Hey xblondyx!


I am so glad to see you are feeling better and moving on with things. Good for you...well done!


Well, I am not a guy but IMO, anyone whom asks for space is a clear indicator that he/she does not want to date you anymore. He/she wants to date others.


I really recommend this book called "He's Just Not Into You." It is a very quick but to the point book. A bit humerous as well. I sure wish it was around a few years ago when I was dating my ex. It could have saved me a lot of time and heartache. Take care and thanks for the update.

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Good book.


I think regardess of the reason of a break up or a break, the person never does forget about you, even if his feelings are romantically inclined anymore.



Maybe sometime in the future you can even be friends, but now is your healing time.


You're doing a great job though. I know how totally hard it can be to even be in the presense of a former boyfirend soon after a break up but you handled it with grace.


It's a good thing you put eveyrthing of his away. You don't have to throw it away unless you really feel like it will interfere with your healing, but not having it in the open will help you essentially.


Now you just need to focus on you!

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