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My friends boyfriend...

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Okkk...so basically here is the story...

My friend Stacy's (who i met through cheerleading...we talik..but not really good friends) boyfriend Scott messaged me about a month ago on myspace...and since then we talk every day and have become like best friends...he talks to me about everything from family and problems to comforting me through my last break up (he is friends with my ex) any ways...his when stacy found out that we had been emailiing and talking...she FLIPPED!!! She wont even look at me now...and when she is with her boyfriend he cant even look at me without getting yelled at from her...OUr relationship is purley platonic...but she cannot get the fact that i am also one of his good friends...she wants to be his only frined that is a girl. See... they have been together for almost 2 years so i dont wanna go and cause harm in their relationship...but i also do not want to stop talking to him...he is a great friend..WHAT SHOULD I DO?

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There are a million other "good friends" out there. Go find one of them.


Just don't talk to him anymore. Don't you have any girl friends to talk to about your problems? Your really too young to be having drama, and this can be a bad sign for the future. Suck it up and don't talk to him anymore, if that girl is your friend.


All it's making you look like is needy and desperate to be someones friend if you rely on him to comfert you.

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There are a million other "good friends" out there. Go find one of them.

Just don't talk to him anymore. Don't you have any girl friends to talk to about your problems? Your really too young to be having drama, and this can be a bad sign for the future. Suck it up and don't talk to him anymore, if that girl is your friend.

All it's making you look like is needy and desperate to be someones friend if you rely on him to comfert you.


Hmmm....the girl is my friend....but so is he...i talk to him more than i do her...actually more than i have to her ever...basically we just did a sport together and in the halls it was a "hey" "how are you" thing. Now if this was one of my really good friends boyfriends...maybe i would understand your advice...But see...i think that guys and girls can be just friends...and how you said "cant i find a girl friend to talk to" I have plenty of friends that are girls and frankly...sometimes guys are just wayy easier to talk to cuz they are such less drama....

Oooh im too young for drama..there is plenty of drama at any age...obviously you dont remember high school that well.

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While I agree that girls and boys can be just friends, for some reason I suspect there's more to this guy's interest than that. And that possibly...you might have some feelings for him too that aren't "just as friends"?


This girl Stacy has gone out with this boy for two years. Maybe she knows him a little better than you do, and is more aware of what his intentions might be.


I don't know...but these are possible scenarios.

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I don't agree that girls + boys can be just friends unless the guy is gaysexual or the girl 100% lesbian, there will always be a risk of sexual attraction between the two sexes and its garenteed to put any relationship on high tension when a basis for a triangle affair has been laid down. You don't have the right to interfere with their relationship because you yourself wouldn't like your future bf to look at other girls too right?

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Soooo are u guys saying that i should stop being friends with him??...through him i have i also met many new ppl and have actually started to be more social (lol usually i am soo shy) But i guess that doesnt matter....It would be hard to stop being friends with him because he is such a part of my daily life...AND I DONT AGREE that guys and girls cant be just friends....i have had many guy friends that i have known all my life and i wouldnt ever dream of liking them in that way..and vice versa.

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Soooo are u guys saying that i should stop being friends with him??...through him i have i also met many new ppl and have actually started to be more social (lol usually i am soo shy) But i guess that doesnt matter....It would be hard to stop being friends with him because he is such a part of my daily life...AND I DONT AGREE that guys and girls cant be just friends....i have had many guy friends that i have known all my life and i wouldnt ever dream of liking them in that way..and vice versa.
but you might like him in 'that way.'

If he messaged you on myspace he must like you. I'm thinking that the only thing stopping you two being together is his girlfriend..

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