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Need some advice from some of the men out there!

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ok so I do not know how men think I dont think us woman ever will heh but I have a few questions...


1.How can you tell if a guy likes you?


2.Do men really hide how the feel when indeed they still may like a girl?


3.I have a bestfriend who I love now he is 28 and for some reason afraid or dont want to date any girl he is just against it we are together every day and we are very rarely apart how can I see if he likes me without asking? He seems like he does but he seems like he trys covering it up!


4.How can you break the ice on telling a man you like him without pushing away?


5.Do men lie to cover up how they really feel?


6.How can you tell if A man is around but really does not care about you at all? May it be player type or someone you talk to in general?


7.What can bring friends closer without ruining a friendship?

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1) If he does things for you that cost him in some way ($, time, effort, etc.)

2) Sure, there are a number of reasons a guy might act this way.

3) Even asking won't tell you want you want to know. If he likes you enough, he'll act on it.

4) Oops -- misread this one initially -- see ShySoul's response to this

5) Sometimes

6) See the answer to question #1

7) Shared experiences. Private jokes. Helping each other through hard times.

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1.He'll want to spend time with you, smile a lot, flirt, etc. Really, its the same ways that girls show interest. It also depends on the person and their personality. Some will be forward and just come out and say it. Others will be shy and nervous about it.


2.Some guys will be shy and afraid to say anything. So they hid how they feel. Others will think they have to play it cool and not reveal to much, play games to make a girl interested. Depends on the guy.


3. If this is the same friend you've posted on before, see my other posts to you.


4. Ask to hang out more, flirt heavily, let him see you like him through your actions. And if all else fails, just ask him out.


5. Again, depends on the guy. Some believe they have to play games or are afraid of opening up. Thus, they would lie.


6. If its a player, you can tell from his general attitude. He may cover it up for awhile, but his true colors will show. There will be a lack of concern for what you are going through, how you feel, broken promises, etc. Just look for a general lack of respect and concern. If we are talking about a friend not being interested in more, there will just be an absense of flirting or any indication he wants more.


7. Shared experiences (particularly bad ones), and time.

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ok so I do not know how men think I dont think us woman ever will heh but I have a few questions...

You're assuming men think - that's quite a big leap of faith there.


1.How can you tell if a guy likes you?

He calls you, spends time with you, pays your way. A real man would also flirt, ask for your phone number, ask you on a date, go for a good night kiss.


2.Do men really hide how the feel when indeed they still may like a girl?

Hide? More like "Deny because they don't know what to do." Yes.


3.I have a bestfriend who I love now he is 28 and for some reason afraid or dont want to date any girl he is just against it we are together every day and we are very rarely apart how can I see if he likes me without asking? He seems like he does but he seems like he trys covering it up!

Flirt with him. Touch him. Make a move and kiss him.


4.How can you break the ice on telling a man you like him without pushing away?

Flirt with him. Touch him. Make a move and kiss him. Give him your number. Ask for his number.


5.Do men lie to cover up how they really feel?

Men have feelings? Since when? Yeah, sure they do, but not always. Younger men typically spill out their emotions, more mature guys don't bother.


6.How can you tell if A man is around but really does not care about you at all? May it be player type or someone you talk to in general?

He ignores you.


7.What can bring friends closer without ruining a friendship?


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1. It varies from guy to guy. However, the standard is that he's going to want to be around you, ask you lots of questions and really seek to get to know you.

2. Yes, for a while. It's a risk that we must take, and we'd like to take a bit of time to see if you're a risk we consider worth taking. Some guys want to make sure there is no risk and make sure of a yes before asking by "testing the waters". I find the second to be dishonest and dishonoring.

3. If he digs you, he really values your friendship and is probably more concerned about that than romance--afraid of risking your companionship. If you want him to ask, talk to a mutual friend to try to coax him. That's the problem with male-female relationships, one will almost always fall for the other if not both.

4. Let him take the initiative. I'd seek out his company, hang around him and be playful. Don't try to take the intitiave from him, men like to be the conquerers.

5. That depends on the guy. Personally, if asked, I'll be honest.

6. He won't listen and be easily distracted.

7. Conflict and honesty! I mean that seriously. You really don't know someone until you've fought with them. It's also a sign that you trust eachother if you're willing to be honest about your frustrations with the other person.

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