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The Fat, Lazy Leech

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Have you ever been diagnosed with depression? This may be the cause of your lethargic feeling and not enjoying anything in your life. Medication can help act as a buffer while you get your life back together. I think once you do that then everything will start looking up in your eyes.

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Why are you wasting away at the computer? You have parents who pay for your school and are encouraging you, that's more than myself or most people get! I've had to work and go to school...my parents didn't give me a free ride! And I'm glad they didn't.


You could be lazy because you've always had everything given to you. Why don't you go out and get a job then, if you're feeling guilty and start to offer some of it to them in payment for all they have given you?


If you are feeling too 'lazy' to do school, start applying for jobs and work for a while. Once you get out into the working world you'll be grateful for school.


I don't think you're as suicidal as you are frustrated and upset about your situation. If that's the case, do something about it! There's never any harm in trying to find a different solution to a problem.

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You know, over the past few months I've felt similar...minus the suicidal feelings.


I think you are depressed. With depression, you often feel unmotivated, a lack of interest, indifferent...


That's exactly how I felt. I fell behind in school. I stopped going out. I couldn't do anything because even sitting down to get things done, my mind would wander or draw a blank...and then the work would pile up, and I really didn't want to deal with it then.


You need to get some help...you need to figure out why you're feeling so unmotivated.


You're a smart guy. You have a lot of potential, otherwsie your parernts wouldn't have invested so much into your education. You may not have found your calling job-wise, but you will.


Suicide is never the answer. If you're logical enough to look into insurance policies, you're sane enough to know the conscious effects of such a drastic action.

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I agree others. It definitely sounds like you are experiencing depression. Depression can cause you to not want to face the day, to dread going through the motions of life, to want to escape with mindless tasks.


Suicide is not the answer. Seeking help is.


You can feel better, if you reach out for help. Your parents sound very supportive of you, can you go to them about this? If not your college should also offer counseling services.




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