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We Ddt kiss as much as we used to.. Normal?

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ok so we have been seeing each other for over 2 years (comitted relationship) but we dont kiss as much as we used to. during lovemaking we kiss, but its not for long, and its not really deep kissing session,s its usually closed lips. I have to admit it doesnt feel as good as it used to.


However we do kiss each other on the lips when the other goes out, or comes back etc.


Is this a common thing to happen? less frequent and intense kissing as you move along in the relationship?



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When a relationship is first starting, the newness and excitment causes you to go a little crazy (in a good way) and kiss up a storm. You can't get enough. As time passes that can lessen a bit. You no longer feel the need to show the love every second and kiss all the time. However, this can be a problem if the love and affection isn't being shown in other ways. Just a slow down in kissing itself doesn't have to mean a problem. But look at things as a whole. Does it still feel like you care for each other and are in love? Do you do other things like hold hands or hug? Do you talk with each other about serious matters and also have silly playful time? You have to take a look at the relationship as a whole to determine how things are.


It's also possible this is just a down time. Is there or has there been anything going on that could make you tired or bored of the same routine? Has there been a major event that has left one or both of you drained to the point where you just don't have the energy or are preoccupied with other things to realize you need to show more affection?


If this is bothering you, then communication is key. Let him know how you feel and talk things over.

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Hmmm? Well even when I was at the end of my worst relationship we still kissed like we did in the beginning and our sex life was very passionate and hot even after the relationship ended.


Is there something else that is going on in your relationship? Do you live together? Is there any stressors in your life right now?

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I agree with Elektra and Shy and would like to add that you guys may just need to spice things up a bit. Fire things up...take a romantic trip together one weekend, get some sexy new lingerie or something, experiment a little...make it like it was in the beginning in this regard...


Your situation is not so uncommon...

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We do live together. I guess there are a couple of stresses at the moment. i wouldnt have guessed that would have been a problem though.


Our relationship is pretty good though, and no stresses with our relationship whatsoever. i'm guessing it's just different for each person though.

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Any chance you can plan a romantic weekend getaway to refuel that passion? Just a simple change of pace or fresh idea can spark that passion back into place.


And its not the quantity that matters, its the quality. Though if you can have both, that can be just mind blowing.

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This happened to my marriage, I tried everything to rekindle that part of the relationship but it didn't work. I couldn't stand it any longer, now we're divorced!


You've got to talk to your partner about it and see if you can rekindle those feelings. If you discover it's not going to work then you've got to decide whether you can do without those feelings or move on?


I hope everything turns out positive for you.


Good luck

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