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Poll for guys: Getting tired of who you are with

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Here's a question that I'd like the guys to answer: Do you ever get tired of the person you are with and how long do you stay with that person if that is the case?


The reason I ask is because I feel as though my boyfriend is getting tired of me. We live together yet sometimes the way he jokes around and says sarcastic remarks makes me wonder if he is becoming disinterested in me. He's a webmaster for a high-traffic website and thus gets tons of emails, a lot of which are from girls. Most are about site-related info but I've found some to be comments such as "you have beautiful eyes and a great tongue, what I'd like to do with that tongue..." (his trademark in his pictures is sticking out his tongue). It makes me uneasy about this stuff and moreover, jealous, because to me that's disrespectful. I've confronted him about it and he tells me there is nothing to worry about and I do my best to believe him.


I just don't want to be taken for granted or walked all over just for the sake of being with someone, you know? So, anyone can put their two cents in but I'd like to hear it from a guy's standpoint.. what measures do you take? What happened in your situation? What are some suggestions?

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I will never tire of the one that I am with. I do not go into something thinking that I will grow bored. I do not go in often, but when I am in, I am all in. I plan to have one relationship in my life, and that one will last forever. When I love someone, I love them forever, it is a love that shall never fade.


Of course, I tend to be different then most.


If you are having these feelings, talk to him. Relationships need communication and honesty. If you don't tell him what you are feeling, then it will stay in you and just build up and get worse. He may be losing interest, it may be something personal he is going through that doesn't involve you and is wearing him out, or it could be nothing at all. But you won't know unless you talk to him. You need to say it, if just to get some answers and get it off your chest.

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What sort of things is he saying, jokes is he making that make you feel this way? How long have you been with him? How long living together? What is different now that makes you feel he might be tired of you?


Have you talked to him about this? (other than the website comments?

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We've been together for 1.5 years, lived together for 1 year... and things couldn't be better. I just feel as though I'm putting forth all effort to show him that i love him yet expects me to just know that he does right back. I'm a chick, and most chicks that I know like to be shown that the person they are with love them. For instance, today he took off work to stay home and study. I got off 2 hours early to come home and be with him, give him a break from studying and his response was, "Why is it that you always get off early when I'm off?" Later he said that I was too cute for doing that. I told him that that hurt my feelings and he told me not to dig deep for other meanings.. which I tend to do. My feelings get hurt VERY easily and it pisses me off and I'm doing my best to stop it. I just feel used sometimes as though he knows I'm not going anywhere yet I'm still doubtful that he might have other intentions.. although his closest buds say otherwise.

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But do you think it could just because he's had to focus on tests and quizzes that have been going on lately? The fact that the semester is nearing the end and he's frustrated???


Oh yeah- I'm willing to bet the stress of school is def. on his mind. I am in school full time too and I live with my bf, and I find it hard to study when he's home because I would rather be with him, and he will come in and talk to me and interrupt my train of thought... it's a tough balance.


Fortunately he is very understanding of how important school is to me and he does what he can to give me the space I need to get my work done.


If things seem good in every other way, maybe just try to give him some space to do his work, and when he's through he will be able to thank you properly.

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It very well could be school and stress. If you want, you can wait until that is done. But if things continue like this, then you will have to talk to him about it eventually. There's probably a good explanation and it is stress. Just don't fall into the habit of justifying his actions and then not getting what you need from him. If you really feel hurt or sad, talk to him about it.

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