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I'm finding old crushes on facebook!

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I have to share this with you guys. A day ago, one of my friends introduced me to link removed . I have to say that I am very addicted to link removed's a site where you register for free & you find people that goes to your college. You can even find people you went to elementary school & high school with.Anyway I've been going through my old yearbooks & typing in names in the search area & I've reconnected with a whole bunch of old friends.Some I haven't seen or talked to in a LONG time. I can hardly stay off the computer because I am on instant messanger catching up with old times with people lol.


Anyway I've found about 3 guys I had crushes on in high school.The main guy I've found is the one I had the crush on recently. The guy that went to my church & he left for college. I don't know if you remember me talking about him or not.I was curious so I typed in his name & there stood his profile & his pic!I literally fainted when I saw his pic. Knowing that with one simple click, I can talk to link removed his pic he's hugging on a girl, I hope it's not his girlfriend! It's weird because we didn't really talk to each other but I've gotten mixed signals from him in the past. I don't know if he's gay or straight. Hopefully when I get the courage to send him a message, I can find out some things about him.


Another guy I remember back in 9th grade. He's on facebook too. I'm pretty sure he was at least gay or bi because I remember he used to hit on me alot back then. He'd blow kisses at me & basically flirt with me.He confused me because he always had a girlfriend but yet he seemed to make passes at me.I was too scared to make a move back then so I just pretended to be straight & pushed him away. Nothing came out of it. When 10th grade came, we basically lost contact with one another. I'm hesitant to hit his profile up too! I mean what can I say to him lol?


Anyway, this has me a little overwhelmed as it brought back some old memories & feelings. It's also made things easier for me, especially since I wanted to talk to the guy at my church for so long. This is my opportunity, even though he's in college & hours away from me, At least we can be friends.


Sigh... The internet is such a great tool!

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I want to sign up, but I'm not ready yet. I'm still healing from my breakup and my boyfriend is on it...so is the girl he dumped me for. I know that if I sign up, I'll just look at her profile all day. AH!! But I love online communities (hi5, friendster, etc.) When I'm strong enough I'll definitely be joining the facebook club and adding you all I totally want to do what you're doing thakid, it sounds like fun!!

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Currently I just registered with my old high school e-mail since I'm not in college as of yet. I'm out of High school, that's the only option I can do since I'm not in school right now.


I'm still hesitating to hit my crush up. LOL please give me some encouragement, everytime I think about sending a message, I chicken out!

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I'm a MySpace junkie when it comes to communities and friends, Facebook never would let me register even with my University email, not a clue, but most of the people I know from my local area are on MySpace.


Getting to the point, usually when I find someone of interest, I'll just send a note to them. Casual usually works, just say about you had seen and remembered them ask how things have been going lately, how life has been. Then go from there in most cases. Some people open up and give an Add, IM S/N, and Email and some don't respond. Anything nonchalant and platonic should still give an idea of the person you want to talk to at that point.

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Facebook: check.

MySpace: check.


If anyone here needs a new buddy for either one, PM me and we can become cozy internet community neighbors


In regards to your dilemma, Thakid, I would take Jinx's advice: a casual little message works best as far as Facebook is concerned. I would forgo posting a bulleting because often times that can get lost in the rest of everyone else's posts. So yeah, just a short private message to check up on him, ask him how things are going at college -- if he responds back, then try and get a slow dialogue going.


Good luck! You can do it!!!

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I still haven't done it yet, but I will lol! I keep typing his name in the search engine & staring at his picture for minutes lol!! I know I sound like I'm seriously obsessed. My mother came in & asked me what I was going all crazy about. My mother gave me the speech about him most likely being straight. She said it in a joking way, she just told me not to keep my hopes up. He's so cute... I wish I could show you guys the pic of him. I'm seriously like thinking hard about what to say. I think it would hurt me if he didn't respond back.


Sheesh, it's so easy for me to hit the people up that I have no feelings for lol!

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