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update after alomst 2 months

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well it has been hell for me dealing with this....as many of you know she sent me that nasty email bfore v day.......i havent heard from her since i really miss her...no call or anything on my birthday......i miss her every move she used to have.....i keep trying to put it out of my mind but this week every where i turn i hear or see her name or something reminds me of her.........it sucks....i cant believe she hasnt had one weak moment in almost 2 months even i she is seeing someone else........we had such an intense love.....and now it feels like i lost a year of my life....and i feel like i dont even matter to her like i was nothing....it sucks.....i have gone out and had some fun and met some girls nothing i am interested in and i really dont like the bar scene and just makes me miss being in a relationship.......i want to meet or i hope to meet a girl who knocks my socks off because she did!!!!ugggghhhhh i just have this strange aura that soon enough she will call......to much feeling on that

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Hang in there! Dont expect her to call either. Just live life as if she is gone for good. Trust me, its easier that way. Its just after my 2 month mark also since "she" broke up with me. She ended up calling me 39 days after NC. I didnt call back. If I do get a call back from her, I want to hear nothing but the words "I love you or I want you back"... Anything less will be ingored.




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kicked in - have you tried to find other people to hang out with who are going through something similar? Maybe a friend who just went through a break up or a friend of a friend? You need to stay busy but it sounds like staying busy with someone who's going through similar misery would be beneficial. They say that misery loves company...


A coworker is going through a separation and I have a ton of fun hanging out with this person and his friends. It's almost as though we're helping each other by sharing our stories but we also have a good time hanging out. I started feeling less alone and more normal and it helps heal.

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In a couple days it will be almost 2 months since I had No/contact with my ex.. and a month or so before that when we were broken up. I´m mostly over her now. I wonder why after 2 months you sound like you just broke up with her? I guess you didn´t accept that it is over yet.. I have accpeted that fact 2 months ago when I went into NC.


But I agree with need1ozhope, you gotta act like she is gone for good, because thats the reality. If she really loved you then she would be with you.


I don´t know your situation but if the rest of your life is a mess then you should work on that area.. Find a better job, move to a better place etc.

personally my life was really a mess a few months ago and I decided to move abroad for a while, was the best decision I could of made.. Don´t think I would be so happy now if I continued living in my old place.

But anyway how is the rest of your life?

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I have been trying very hard to move on and let go as it seems that she will never look back as she was going through a very confusing divorce and time in her life that I seemed to be the casualty......the rest of my life is bad.....although I lost some weight gained some muscle and look good.....business is not good....my mom has cancer and I am not that close with the rest of my family.....and don't have too many "true friends" but I thank god everyday that I get up because that is a gift right there....I hold my head up high knowing I was good to her....if she is happy so be it I dont want to be bitter towards her I am just hurt because she made me so many promises that I believed and could have left many times over the year but trusted her and gave in to her.......I just flat out miss the good parts but also I have to remember if she truly loved me she wouldnt be doing what she is or has done to me

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I just never felt this strongly about a girl and if you guys have followed it was a bitter fast break up that really was screwed up and her family kept me at bay...meanwhile she was telling them one story about us and then acting like she needed to be alone while most likely seeing other people....it just sucks to be fed a line of crap

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kicked in- Your story sounds similar to mine. Today is 5 weeks into NC and it is working great. From what I heard she is missing me and I am moving on. You stay strong and don't contact her under any circumstance.



let he initiate any ( if there is any) contact. Otherwise you just go and enjoy life. Let her think u could give a rat's * * * about her or the breakup. Be strong.

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thanks for the replies... i ahve been holding strong......i just miss her.....but i am moving on the best i can... i truly loved her and i know i will be ok...i wont give her the satisfaction of any contact.....she owes ME that! if it never happens oh well......but i know i treated her good

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  • 2 weeks later...
the rest of my life is bad.....although I lost some weight gained some muscle and look good.....business is not good....my mom has cancer and I am not that close with the rest of my family.....and don't have too many "true friends" but I thank god everyday that I get up because that is a gift right there....


LIke i figured, if your life is bad in other areas it really makes the breakup so much harder. IF you had more "true" or close friends, you were going out meeting girls etc. It wouldn't nearly be so bad, it would be bad but nearly so.

I would recomend somehow trying to work on making the other areas of your life better.

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LIke i figured, if your life is bad in other areas it really makes the breakup so much harder. IF you had more "true" or close friends, you were going out meeting girls etc. It wouldn't nearly be so bad, it would be bad but nearly so.

I would recomend somehow trying to work on making the other areas of your life better.



well i ran into her.....see my other posts in ex forum.....it was good and bad...weird.....i just felt i would run into her

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