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nearly fainted during sex.

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hey guys, well i found this guy, and his really nice and ive known him for a while now, and the other day we had sex for the first time together.... now i have never had an orgasm, however during the sex and forplay, i didnt feel any pleasure, just a deep desire for him. but the thing that really freak me out was that once during the forplay i felt like i was going to pass out/faint, i didnt tell him at the time. and then while we were actaully having sex the feeling of fainting was so stronge that i started to freak out, now i dont remember much but he told me, that my eyes went all funny, i remember not been able to focus, and my whole body being numb, he gave me water and i spilt it all over myself and the bed... i couldnt breath or anything like that.... can anyone tell me what that was, but i think im possitive that wasnt an orgasm, and if it was.... it was horrible and i never want to do that again.


please help me, because im freak out to what that was.

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What happened to you does not seem to be an orgasm, at all. I think you should definitely seek medical advice from a doctor about this. There's a few different things that come to mind based on what you've described:


i felt like i was going to pass out/faint, i didnt tell him at the time. and then while we were actaully having sex the feeling of fainting was so stronge that i started to freak out, now i dont remember much but he told me, that my eyes went all funny, i remember not been able to focus, and my whole body being numb, he gave me water and i spilt it all over myself and the bed... i couldnt breath or anything like that....




*lack of nutrition




*anxiety attack


Have you ever had these symptoms in any situations other than sex?




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well the thing is, i wasnt actaully panicing at the time, like i wasnt like "omg im going to faint" panicing, it was like like i was trying to grab at his neck to pull myself up and make him stop, and then after that i dont remember much. this was the first time, that i was able to go this far with a guy after the rape, so that might have something to do with it.


but he told me he doesnt want to sleep with me anymore because i freaked him out

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yeah he knows about it. he knows to some extent what happened, he he does treat me well. like i started to get uncomfortable about being naked and he just craddled me and made me feel better. so his really caring and nice.

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The more info you have given- it does sound like a panic attack which results from anxiety and post-traumatic stress. You should seek help about this from a professional. It sounds like your BF cares about you and is supportive of you- so in the meanitme, only do what you feell 100% comfortable doing with him.




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  • 2 weeks later...

ok well, so u know, it happened again, i fainted on him, and this time it was worse, so he made me go see a theropest, and my theropest told me its because, i dont feel safe during sex that my body goes into shut down mood and takes the attention away from the sex and does something to make it stop... and thats what it is.

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definitely not an orgasm, an orgasm isn't painful and certain doesn't restrict your breathing or cause your vision to blur... I have had a similar incident occur when making a public speach... vision slowly went blurry until I could see a thing, hearing became totally distorted... it can be a result from a number of things including poor diet, lack of sleep. Like the others I definitely would advise seeing a GP about this as it is depriving you of enjoying being intimate with someone you care about...

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