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Graduating University...scared, confused, LOST!

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Hi guys, This April I am graduating university with my Bachelor's degree. It has been a super long process and one that I am extreamly proud of (I come from a poor family, so had to pay for it wth my wages and scholarships...also I am the first im my family to graduate high school yet along university). However, lately I have just been feeling really lost and confused. I suppose this is natural, but I just wanted to vent and maybe see if anyone else has ever felt this way before.


I guess I just am scared because for so long (6 years) I have been going to university..and I dont know what to do after. That may sound stupid..and people probably are thinking GET A JOB! but it is more than that. It's like not having that STRUCTURE in your life you know... I applied for teachers college, so hopefully I get into that, but I wont know until May.


In April after our finals, my boyfriend is leaving with 2 buddies to go to THialand for 7 weeks. This is also confusing me. I wrote about it in a previous post...but I just keep questioning if we should stay together while he is gone, if he will be tempted in thialand, if he even really can see us together...


WIth all these lost feelings I have started to feel really down about my relationship with him. Started to think about ending it (we have been together for 1.5 years) just because I am unsure about him leaving, and our future. ALso he has been saying some mean and hurtful thigns to me lately. Not intentionally, but that is just how he is. he will make comments like, "why do you always have to be like that" or something. He rolls his eyes. And it really just hurts me inside. I can't help but feel like I am always annoying him and making him upset, or doing something which bothers him. And it really sucks, because I love him. But when he says these things, I get unhappy, and upset.


This post is kind of scrambled. i just wanted to vent I suppose. I am just uncertain about my future, and my relationship. And I just wanted to have someone to listen. I just feel like I am at a scary point in my life right now. I am so used to just things being the same....and with me and my bf graduating, and him leaving for 7 weeks..I just feel like my life is going to be upside down. Thanks for hearing me out.

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I know what you mean when you say you are scared about graduating from university because of the loss of structure. When I graduated from university, I wasnt happy. Actually I cried. My best friend told me that the day I graduated, I looked as if everything had fallen from under me and I had no idea what I was going to do. Graduating from university is a scary thing because you are going out into the REAL world where you have to work, survive on your own, etc. You will do it. You will succeed. You may fall on occasions, cry on occasions, be happy, be angry, be sad, but you will survive and go onto the next chapter in your life.

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dustin - First of all, let me say congratulations on your graduation! I'm sure your family is very proud of you.


You are right to share your confusion and fear. Being nervous or scared IS totally normal, if that helps, but being "normal" doesn't necessarily make it better. But it will GET better. You are at a crossroads and things are going to change for you.


I think it IS a bit scary but you should embrace it. Go with it and look forward to your future.


As for your boyfriend, maybe he is saying things and being the way he is because he is confused and a bit nervous about the future as well.


I hope this doesn't come off too corny, but I envy you, just starting your life, having Uni out of the way, embarking on the rest of your life. Best of luck to you and congratulations on your graduation! Good for you.

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Hey, congrats on your upcoming graduation! Don't let that senioritis get too bad...you've still got a few weeks left...


Graduation marks a huge time of change for everyone I think. It is a milestone in one's life and brings a lot of uncertainty and fear with it...your feelings are completely normal in that regard...


Now for the relationship. I think the next few weeks are going to be a "midterm (or final) exam" of sorts for your relationship. This is going to really test what you two have together. You can only hope and try your best at this point. He's in a similar boat as you are right now, and you guys have to focus on each one of your respective futures as well. It's tough.


The best thing you can do is trust that in the near future, the truth will come out of this...and whatever that truth brings...it would have probably happened that way eventually anyway...


So trust and believe the truth will be seen sooner than later...

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