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Question for everyone doing NC?

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I'm missing him and starting to feel sad again & there's no one around for me to talk to


Call your family and friends sweetie.. when times are hard you should look for people who will always support us....i am sure they will be happy to be you support at your time of need... other then that as always i am here for you too... take care stay strong

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yeah, i deleted my myspace, facebook & email account earlier this morning today!

And as soon as I can, I'm changing my phone number so that I can move on with my life. Thankyou *Hugs*


Good girl! The hardest fact to face is that you don't need them. They don't care about you right now but you have a future without them. You don't need to be kept on a leash because they want you there.


I know... I almost cringed and came back. Now I'm wondering why I wanted a friendship... *shudder*


didyoumissme, you're making the right choice. And if you need someone to talk to instead, send me a msg or anyone else here. WE will help you.

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Good girl! The hardest fact to face is that you don't need them. They don't care about you right now but you have a future without them. You don't need to be kept on a leash because they want you there.


I know... I almost cringed and came back. Now I'm wondering why I wanted a friendship... *shudder*


didyoumissme, you're making the right choice. And if you need someone to talk to instead, send me a msg or anyone else here. WE will help you.

Thankyou!!! you can always pm me too on here.. I'll actually pm you right now!!
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I'm really missing him right now. I wish he would of appreicated me and our friendship more. I just have to move on, I can't try with him anymore. He's not really my buddy/friend. I even changed my phone number and had to delete facebook because if I didn't it could of ruin my life

But, now I'm kinda regretting changing my phone number, I should of just kept it because now he will never be able to call me and leave messages ever again (unless I give him my new number) But, I can't give him my new number. Gah, this hurts, I'm really hurting right now.

There's no way he hurting as much as I am right now. He didn't care nearly much for me as much as I did for him and our friendship.

I'm just going without saying...


So, NC is forever, like I would never, ever want or need to talk to him again? Right?

I just keep thinking am I doing the right now by getting my phone number change and deleteing everything?!

I've also been wondering if he will notice or care that I'm really trying to move on with my life & don't want to contact him anymore..

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Oh didyoumissme. That's the withdrawal and he's the drug. I know you WANT him back. I know you think he's the best thing that's ever happened to you and you don't want to let him go. I know because I have that urge.


Now the only urge I have now is not to tell my ex that I love her(oh god. even typing that turns my stomache). The only thing left is my want to tell her off for how much I gave to her and then her just turning my back on me.


But hey, don't get me wrong. This experience has changed me. It's made me realize that I can change and I can grow and I can fight my way through the worst pain in the world. Now, next time it happens, I can at least find the techniques to force my way past it. I'm a change man because of this and you have to realize you can't change if you yearn for him back. Lest we let one of the worst people in our lives back into our lives. And, if you've seen what I've typed about Chloe... well.. you know how horrible she is.

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It means he's starting NC... I'm sorry Didyoumissme. He wants nothing to do with you. I know.. because my ex said the same exact thing to me. And that's pretty much what they are saying. He, like my ex with myself, wants nothing to do with you. And trust me.... even though you want to contact them and tell them how much you care.... it is the most painful thing in the world.

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I'm hurting so bad right now...


im feeling the same way.. my ex nc me from the minute she broke up with me..then re-affirmed it in an email saying that everytime she receives an email or a call a piece of her dies all over..after that, i went NC as well.

i found out she was seeing somebody right after we broke up..

3.5 years and she dropped me like a piece of garbage..

we dont deserve this and it has really made me see that i am better off without the woman if she can abandon me like that after 3.5 years.


but hang in there...you are not alone!

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Thanks.. he said for me not to contact him for awhile in the other email he sented me. What would be a while? How long is a while?



'A while' is as long as he can get over you... but he already is...


Didyoumissme... this is becoming self inflicted pain... why dont you allow yourself to heal? You can do it and you deserve sooo much more... then why are you selling yourself short?


It doesnt matter if he said not to contact him for a while... in reality he would prefer not to be contacted.. let it go...


Sweetie... you win some and you loose some.. just like my sig... let it go and first learn to make yourself happy cause no one else can do that for you..

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I'm on day 1 all over again... I don't understand why it's so hard for me.. I'm getting upset with myself that it's hard to let go..


dont get upset with yourself... love is blind for a reason...


You have to find other things to put your mind on... make new friends, pick up new hobbies... its going to be very hard but put a achievement level for yourself... one achievement level can be that everytime you go back to square one you put a painful amount of cash in a jar or give to goodwill....


And post here or email friends when you get tempted to talk to him.

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